Lunyr Dev Update — January 23, 2018 — Reward System Ready for Deployment

Arnold Pham
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2018

Welcome to another Lunyr Dev Update!

We’re excited to announce that all tests for reward system have successfully passed and we are on track for the Open Beta launch on January 30, 2018! The Open Beta launch will be a revolutionary breakthrough in the future of knowledge sharing.

As we grow the knowledge base, the value of the Lunyr API will also begin to grow, which will allow developers to use the knowledge base as a backbone to create next generation decentralized applications in Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and more.

Since the announcement of the Lunyr Open Beta, we’ve been executing our long term community growth strategy. So far our strategy is working phenomenally. The results are clearly felt throughout all our social media channels. We’ve grown by more than 1200% since the beginning.

Much work remains but we are moving closer and closer to the future of knowledge sharing. The Lunyr platform is looking better every day and we’re already beginning to see valuable content. After the Open Beta, Lunyr articles will begin showing up in search engines globally.

After the Open Beta, we have the following planned:

  • Peer Review System 2.0
  • Reward System 2.0
  • Sybil Defenses
  • Citation generator
  • Multi-language support
  • Advertising System 2.0
  • Better search
  • Lunyr Editor 2.0

After the Open Beta, the Peer Review system will be upgraded until we can find the right balance between content quality and convenience. See the design below for an example:

Lunyr profiles will come with cute avatars

We’re redesigning the homepage to make content immediately consumable.

Multi-language support is on the way

Other Dev Updates

  • Introduced multiple pending transactions into the blockchain so users can have many tx’s
  • Added an enhanced signup flow (includes password strength and checks to let you know that we can’t help you when you lose your pw)
  • Added withdraw Contribution Points
  • ETH and LUN transfers now tracked on platform by the transaction list
  • Frontend improvements (confirmations for successful transactions)
  • Backend bug fixes
  • Up to 40% reduction in gas for contract functions, which means cheaper transactions deploying soon

See also:

