Lunyr Dev Update — October 12, 2017 — Advertising System Smart Contracts Developed

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2 min readOct 12, 2017

Welcome to another Lunyr Update. This week we’re excited to announce that the smart contracts for the advertising system have been developed.

Advertising System

Advertisers will be able to select a time window and an article and spend LUN to purchase a proportional amount of advertising time in that article. So we’re not doing CPM, it’s more like a digital billboard. If Alice pays 2 LUN and Bob pays 1 LUN, Alice gets ⅔ of the time and Bob gets ⅓ because a total of 3 LUN was paid. We spent a lot of time pairing down the system so that it would have a really simple, easy to understand interface. For discussions about the advertising system please visit this page.

We also spent bit of time porting our API from Golang to Node. After rapidly getting something out the door we’re now fine-tuning the system.

Public User Profiles with portfolio

The user profiles are also getting an upgrade. A description section has been added for users to share public information. Also, the article submissions and edits of a user will now be publicly viewable. Thus, writers will have a public portfolio of their writing and editing work to show off to potential hiring managers.

This upgrade also enables transparency on the Lunyr platform. Any bad actors will be verifiable by viewing their portfolios.

Dev Updates

New features

  • Public user profiles
  • User portfolios with article submissions and edits
  • Advertising System smart contracts developed


  • Porting API to Node


  • Various small issues resolved
  • Gas slider adjusted to improve transaction speed and user experience

For any questions or feedback please post on

Users interested in joining the Private Alpha can signup here. Invited testers will receive an email with further instructions.

See also:



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Lunyr is an Ethereum-based decentralized world knowledge base where users get rewarded app tokens for peer-reviewing and contributing information.