Lunyr Dev Update — Peer Reviews, Author Rankings, Article Quality and Mobile Support for Internationalization

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4 min readJun 4, 2018

Hello everyone! Welcome to another Lunyr update. We’re proud to share our progress for the past month!

Article Quality

As you all know, we were formed on the ideal of having higher quality articles backed by tokens. To this end, we have made some improvements to article quality.

We introduced a writing assistant to check things like grammar, spelling and word count. This will help the author ensure that grammar and spelling are at their highest quality prior to publishing and make it easier to see when the author has reached their word count threshold.

To access grammar and spelling, click on the Assistant button in the upper right hand corner when creating or editing an article:

This will check your spelling and grammar and give you suggestions to how to improve:

Word count is updated real time as you type.

Note that we have lowered the enforced minimum word count to 250 from 500. We still suggest 500 words, and will let the author know that 500 words is ideal, but the system will no longer force a minimum of 500 words.

Author Rankings

We already use HNR points to track activity in our site. We will be enhancing this metric to track author quality and reliability. We will use these points to rank authors on our site and segregate authors into beginners, veterans and trusted experts as they accumulate HNR points.

This is great news for authors as will we enhance this system in the future to provide author scores and reputations that authors can be proud to share with their peers. More details on this will be provided in future updates.

In order to get to these rankings, there is a new link on the home page menu:

To get there directly, go to:

Here you will see information about each author and are able to search for specific authors:

Peer Reviews

We have added a few features to peer reviews. A couple behind the scenes and a couple which affect the UI.

First, we will be capturing metrics related to reviewer usage to ensure that reviewers are appropriately reviewing the articles and not just auto accepting or rejecting. These will be tracked and will in a future release be reflected in author rankings and shown as a stat for author reputation:

  • How long did the user spend reviewing the article? Was this time reasonable for the length of the article?
  • Did the reviewer move around the article as you would expect them to? Did they scroll down through the entire article? How fast did they scroll?

Second, which is now available to be seen by reviewers, we provide more data to the reviewer such as the HNR points and reputation of the author as they review the articles.

Just hover over the user icon when reviewing an article to see their details:

Mobile Support for Internationalization

The mobile apps now support internationalization! Please update or download the latest apps at:

Or, get the Android app directly at:

The iPhone app is still in review with Apple and will be coming shortly

Article Expiration

Better enforcement of expiration for articles which have not been voted on or reviewed so that they do not clutter the system.

Auto Update for Desktop Apps

The desktop apps have been enhanced to include auto update, which means that once you download a desktop app, you shouldn’t need to redownload it upon every release.

This will work for Windows and Mac. Linux doesn’t support auto update yet.

Please download the latest versions of the apps at:

Expedited Publishing

Since we have ceased reimbursing gas costs associated with publishing, we re-enabled the gas slider so that you can publish faster by paying more gas.



Editor for

Lunyr is an Ethereum-based decentralized world knowledge base where users get rewarded app tokens for peer-reviewing and contributing information.