Lunyr Weekly Dev Update — October 5, 2017 — Advertising System Designed

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2 min readOct 5, 2017

This week, we’ve made enormous progress on the advertising system. The design is solidifying and we’re getting closer to a complete system. We’ve been working on the game mechanics and balancing the incentives for the various players in our ecosystem. We’ve got a proposal that addresses the concerns of UX, incentives, and technical constraints pretty well.

On the technical side, we updated the transaction payment workflow. Users no longer have to wait at a gas payment window. Instead, transactions are sent behind-the-scenes and can be viewed at the Transactions history screen.

Dev Updates

New features

  • Transaction history


  • Long-lasting Unreviewed Edits now expire


  • Transaction watcher

Issues resolved

  • Transaction underpriced issue (In Progress)
  • Transactions dropping (In Progress)
  • CORs problem
  • Wrong address shown issue resolved (all customer funds recovered!)
  • Removed bottlenecks on the backend

For any questions or feedback please post on

Users interested in joining the Private Alpha can signup here. Invited testers will receive an email with further instructions.

See also:



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Lunyr is an Ethereum-based decentralized world knowledge base where users get rewarded app tokens for peer-reviewing and contributing information.