Lunyr Weekly Dev Update — September 21, 2017

Published in
1 min readSep 21, 2017

Welcome everyone! Now that the project has entered the Private Alpha stage, we will be releasing weekly dev updates for the community to discuss. Please leave feedback, report bugs (include pics), and make comments on the /r/Lunyralpha subreddit.

User Interface

  • Cleaned up UI
  • Removed Discover page. Made Articles page the default home page.
  • User menu reorganization
  • Notification events now occur for the Peer Review system


  • Improved security of the backend
  • Headers upgrade (in progress)


  • CBN and HNR rewards enabled (in progress)
  • Enable gas price sliders during payment for transactions to the Ethereum blockchain (in progress)

Issues Resolved

  • Clicking on your own submitted article no longer shows survey


  • New peer review system. Edits must include type of edit and comments.
  • Different navigation bar UI
  • Citations in Article View update
  • Insert citation generator
  • Eliminate LUN inflation model. No more newly created LUN.
  • Enable donations to the LUN pool
  • Introduce LUN burn to counterbalance LUN rewards sell pressure
  • LUN pool withdraw enabled 3–4 months after Open Beta



Editor for

Lunyr is an Ethereum-based decentralized world knowledge base where users get rewarded app tokens for peer-reviewing and contributing information.