Prix Galien Excellence Award

Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2021

Wednesday, May 19th 2021

Luscii telemonitoring has won the Prix Galien Excellence Covid-19 MedTech Award. This was announced Tuesday evening by jury president Prof. Dr. Marlies Schijven. Luscii won ‘the Oscar of healthcare’ for its important contribution during various phases of the corona pandemic. Luscii shares the prize with the Hubrecht Institute. The Excellence Covid-19 Pharmaceutical award went to Pfizer.

Luscii, founded in 2018 by Prof. Dr. Daan Dohmen, aims to make patients more independent and relieve healthcare providers with the use of technology and artificial intelligence. The company is active in seven countries in Europe and Africa and has already processed over 20 million registrations. It received the award for the rapid development and upscaling of three Covid-related home measurement programs, which have enabled healthcare providers to cope more effectively with the pandemic.

Rapid development of three Covid-related programs
During the chaos of the first corona wave, Luscii created The Corona Check app together with the Amsterdam OLVG city hospital. Via the app, which was deployed nationwide, hundreds of thousands of concerned citizens submitted their health data daily from their homes. This allowed healthcare providers to determine who was potentially suffering from Covid-19 and who needed care. In addition to the Netherlands, Ireland and several African countries also made use of The Corona Check app.

At the end of the first wave, Luscii and the St. Antonius Hospital developed a program to monitor Covid-19 patients at home. Thanks to Covid-at-Home, patients can be safely discharged 5 days earlier on average. As a result, the admission capacity has expanded considerably. This program is currently being used by 20 hospitals across the Netherlands and England.

Together with the Canisius Wilhelmina Hospital, Luscii developed a program to effectively monitor patients with Long Covid, by providing long-term remote monitoring of discharged Covid-19 patients. This enables the hospital to gain insight into the long-term recovery process and provide the right care. This program, too, is being adopted by several hospitals.

Strong partnership with hospitals
Esther Lievaart, Marketing Lead at Luscii, was present during the livestream to receive the award. “I am so proud and utterly delighted with this recognition on behalf of the entire Luscii team. But most of all, I would like to thank the 3 hospitals that took the initiative to join us in developing these programs”.

Esther Lievaart (Marketing Lead Luscii) and Prof. Marlies Schijven (surgeon at the AMC)

Jury president Marlies Schijven, surgeon at the AMC and CMIO at the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, had some nice words for the young, yet fast-growing company: “Luscii is all set. It was really special to see how the company deployed all its in-house apps and infrastructure to ‘unburden’ healthcare digitally. It is very impressive to have collaborated and scaled up in such a way across various hospitals, with all the necessary certifications. Luscii is all set and raring to go”.

Prix Galien
In the Netherlands, the Galenus Medicine Award and the Galenus Research Award have been presented every year since 1992. From 2018, on the 25th anniversary of the Galenus Awards, the name was permanently changed to Prix Galien, following international precedent. This year a special category was added, the Excellence Covid-19 award, for healthcare companies who made an important contribution fighting the pandemic. The prizes include a gold medal designed by Albert de Jaeger (1908–1992). The Prix Galien is now awarded in 17 countries, including Canada, the UK, Germany, Russia, the US and China.



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At Luscii we help doctors and nurses to bring care to patients. We do things differently. In our approach. And in the way we organize our culture and company.