A Whole lot of great wine!

Thea Dwelle
Luscious Lushes
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2011

It’s that time of year! well almostl. Here, it’s been chilly and rainy. Not that San Francisco summer fog rain, but RAIN rain. Such a bummer. I think finally, however the sun has come out! Morning fog is the norm in July, but I’ll take it — the sun usually peeps out around 11am or so.

Elsewhere in the Universe, there actually IS summer! So when Whole Foods approached me and asked me if I’d like to taste their six featured summer sippers, I said HELL YEAH! not only are these affordable wines, but they are available at whole Foods — a national chain of gourmet, organic, and otherwise excellent food. No, I don’t normally shop at Whole Paycheck (mostly because while I adore tomatoes that taste like … tomatoes, I don’t have a $500 week food budget), I do buy some things there are a regular basis, and have been known to purchase some of the wine selected by store staff.

Whole Foods does an excellent job at picking diverse wines, in all price ranges. I have had a lot of success trying new wines that were staff selections.

Tonight, we are having turkey burgers, so I opened the 2010 Perrin Nature Côtes du Rhône. I love Rhone; the flavor profiles of the south of France are just delicious. This is a delcious wine with lots of dark fruit, meaty notes, with lots of blackberries and dark earth. It has a ton of character and complexity in every sip without being overly heavy. It’s a country wine, but elegantly so. While it’s a baby, you can enjoy this now, or age it for a bit. It will come together nicely. I would not recommend leaving this wine open for more than a few hours howeve,r as it can loose it’s interesting notes and become flat.

This wine is a SCREAMING deal for a BBQ and those summer parties at about $12–15 and is available at Whole Foods stores. EXTREME VALUE ALERT! Run out RIGHT NOW and buy this! I know I will be buying more, even though I have enough wine to keep every one of my friends and family very happy in the next apocalypse.

Please tune in to Twitter for a live tasting of more summer values from Whole Foods, tomorrow — June 9th — at 5pm PDT. Follow us using the hashtag #WFMWine Follow @WholeFoods for the latest updates!

