3 B2B Sales Email Templates You Can Use to Score More Leads

Sarah Brown
Lusha Data
Published in
6 min readOct 24, 2019
3 winning email templates

Do you want more leads and customers? There are many proven strategies to help you get them. But few are as direct as cold outreach. All you need are a few solid B2B sales email templates and you can begin supercharging your lead generation efforts immediately.

That’s what we plan to help you out with today. In this article, we’ll teach you what cold outreach is and why it’s important. Then we’ll share with you three customizable B2B sales email templates that you can use to score more leads.

Sound like a plan? Let’s jump right in!

What is Cold Outreach?

Cold outreach is the practice of contacting strangers within a specific niche, and engaging them in a business-oriented conversation.

For example, let’s pretend that I own and operate a commercial cleaning company. To drum up sales, I decide to email every other business within a thirty mile radius and offer them my services. These companies didn’t ask to be contacted by me. Instead, I found their email addresses online and I sent them an unsolicited message.

Cold outreach isn’t a new concept. But modern technology has made it easier to do than ever before. Just as I outlined in my example, you can also take to the internet, find the contact information of folks in your niche, and send them cold outreach emails.

Why Cold Outreach is Beneficial?

Sure, the fact that anyone can find an email address online and send it messages isn’t at all earth shattering. The question is: why would anyone want to do that? The main reason is because it works. There’s no better way to drum up business quickly than cold outreach.

Inbound marketing has received a lot of hype in the past few years, with good reason. Developing a system that draws leads to your company without you having to chase after them is obviously beneficial. But this strategy takes time.

When you need leads now rather than later, cold outreach is the perfect approach because it’s proactive. You don’t have to wait on anyone. You simply craft your messages and send them out to as many people as you can. With a little luck (and the B2B sales email templates we’ve prepared for you below) you’ll be able to drum up business in a matter of days, if not hours.

3 B2B Sales Email Templates

Now that we have a common understanding of what cold outreach is and why it can be so beneficial to your company, we can get into the really good stuff: B2B sales email templates! Customize the three templates below and watch your lead generation efforts take off.

1. The Helpful Approach

Let’s start with the Helpful Approach. Below you’ll find a strong cold email template that we first discovered on the Single Grain website. Then you’ll see the template version that you can use for your own purposes below that.

Original Email:


Subject: idea to {Value You Provide}

Hi {First Name},

Can I share a quick idea with you that’s helped {Other Clients/Customers} {Result You Helped Achieve}? The concept is fairly simple and has powerful results.

When can we have a call so that I can explain?

{Your Name}

Why This Template Works

So why does this template work? First off, it’s short and to the point. Second, it’s written in a very respectful manner. You aren’t forcing your agenda down the recipients throat. You’re simply asking them if you can help.

And that’s another thing, you’re trying to help! For B2B cold email templates to be successful, they have to provide value. If they don’t, they’re dead in the water.

Lastly, the templates ends with a good call-to-action. By ending your emails with a question, you’ll improve your response rate. We humans are trained since birth to answer the things asked of us. You can use this fact to your advantage.

2. The Results-Oriented Approach

Sometimes the best way to get through to a potential lead is to simply use a tried and true formula. The following email was originally found on the Yesware website and uses AIDA, which stands for Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action. Observe:

Original Email:


Subject: {First Name} your thoughts on this?

Hi {First Name},

Are you interested in {Result Your Company Provides}?

Companies like {Your Clients} are doing just that by enabling/using {Your Product}.

In addition to {Result}, our clients also report {Other Impressive Results}.

I’d love to schedule a time to chat and show you how {Your Product} can better your company. Do you have 15 minutes to connect this week?

{Your Name}

Why This Template Works

I absolutely love the subject line on this template! It will definitely grab your reader’s attention and pique their curiosity. Then the body copy hits the reader with the awesome results your product provides and the company’s you’ve already worked with, building interest and desire.

The CTA is also a winner because it asks a question. Remember what we said about ending your B2B sales templates with a question?

But this version is even better, in my opinion, because it’s more specific. It suggests a timeframe (this week) and lets the reader know that you won’t eat up their entire day with your sales call. You’re only asking for 15 minutes.

3. The Personable Approach

This last template definitely takes a different approach than the first two. It’s longer and has quite a unique personality. We nabbed it from the Nutshell website but it was originally written by expert email marketer Laura Lopuch.

Original Email:


Subject: Apologies in advance

Greetings {First Name},

You’ve never heard of me. (Hi, I’m {Your Name}!) I got your details from a list *gasp*. But hey-you’re list worthy. That’s gotta be something, right? :-)

Ok. Let’s get down to brass tacks. I’m writing to you from the office of {Your Company}, where we {What You Do}.

For over {Number of Years} we’ve {What Your Company Does}. It’s a wonderful feeling to know that we’re not ripping clients off and producing the best work of our lives.

We’re looking to win new clients over to our side and away from those evil (ok, maybe not evil… but not as good) other companies.

If you let me have a chat with you about your {How You Can Help} or bedroom tidying needs, I will buy you lunch/coffee/tequila shots and promise to be somewhat entertaining. If you’re lucky, I may even wear a top hat. First off, I’d like to provide you with some ideas you are free to steal.

I’ve included sticker containing a picture of {Something Appropriately Funny}. I trust this will charm you into submission.

I’ll be in touch on email when you least expect it… Dun Dunn Dunn!

I await your profanity filled response.

Have a splendid day,
{Your Name}

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Originally published at https://www.lusha.com on October 24, 2019.

