4 Insanely Effective Tips to Improve Your Lead Conversion Funnel

Sasha Berger
Lusha Data
Published in
4 min readJul 1, 2020
What is a lead conversion funnel?

We often think of our lead conversion funnel as some kind of impenetrable fortress; after all, once leads are in, how could they ever think of slipping away? In reality, it’s more like the pipes under your kitchen sink. Even the best plumbing jobs can spring leaks-and if it goes ignored long enough, it floods your entire home…

A lead conversion funnel has four stages: awareness, interest, consideration, and action. At each stage, you’ll face new challenges to keep qualified leads moving forward. Here’s how you can improve your conversion rates and patch up the holes in each stage.

Four Stages of a Lead Funnel

Stage 1: Awareness

In the awareness stage, your B2B leads become aware of their problem and begin looking for a solution. Your goal is to get your product or service front and center on search engines and social media. So, what’s your biggest leak in this stage?

Leak: Attracting the wrong leads.

Like death and taxes, unqualified leads in your lead conversion funnel are inevitable. Your job is to quickly recognize qualified leads so you can ditch poor-quality leads, saving marketing budget and time.

A quality lead fits your ideal customer persona, responds well to your marketing, and is likely to become a customer.

William Wickey, Content Marketing Manager at LeadGenius, breaks down how to tell if your lead is high-quality .

The key ingredients are:

  • Depth: You’ve mapped out an ideal demographic for leads like occupation or income. You even have intel on their company like annual revenue, number of employees, and market share.
  • Accuracy: You’ve verified their email after their form submission (usually with a seperate B2B email verification software).
  • Reliability: Your lead list is fresh and periodically purged.
  • Fitness for purpose: Sales reps have enough information to close.

Easy fix: Before marketing, have your customer profile ready to go. Use a tool like Owler to find company details, build out the characteristics of your ideal buyer, and then hyper-personalize your marketing campaigns. Use data to address your leads’ current events, emotions, and search trends.

The best way to tighten your lead conversion funnel during this stage is with marketing that’s research-backed, data-driven, and verified.

Stage 2: Interest

Stage two is about leads filling out your lead form so you can get their info into your CRM and send email nurturing campaigns.

Leak: Leads not signing up.

Why is it so hard?

Because your competitors have enticing lead magnets too! Your challenge is to stand out with a first-rate offer that doesn’t sound like other brands.

Easy fix: Optimize your lead capture page and form. Give them an incredible lead magnet that immediately provides insight into their problem and your solution.

Tips to improve your lead funnel

1. Optimize Your Lead Page

‘s lead capture page makes an eye-popping statement with its lead magnet. It promises to tell you in 15 minutes how their top customers generated $1 trillion in leads. And you’ll walk away having already started on your own pipeline. How many of Integrate’s competitors can promise such value? Go BIG with your lead magnet offer.

short lead form vs long lead form

2. Optimize Your Lead Form

Leads abandon your funnel when your form has:

a. Too many fields b. Irrelevant questions

Use to keep your form short and to the point. All Lusha needs is an email address, and it will search its database for info like the number of employees and industry. Lusha Forms This data goes straight to your sales team, and leads are less likely to leave because your lead form is half the length of your average competitor.

lead magnets

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Originally published at https://www.lusha.com on July 1, 2020.

