The Most Valuable Techniques to Optimize Salesforce Enrichment

Cooper Turnington
Lusha Data
Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2019
Salesforce app

Deciding to use an automatic enrichment tool for your Salesforce records can feel like letting a stranger into your home. It may sound harsh, but we know the implications of a messy, unreliable Salesforce database. By the time your sales team realizes they can’t depend on your data, it’s already too late.

Involve Sales Ops, Marketing, and SDRs in the evaluation process.

Choosing the right enrichment tool is a decision to evaluate carefully. Your first step should include having your SDRs/ BDRs use the contact enrichment tool outside of Salesforce and testing the scope of the data on a useful sample size. Sales Ops will be using the product daily, so you’ll want them to determine how user-friendly it is. Your Salesforce enrichment tool must include an easy method to define the enrichment criteria. You’ll want a good mechanism for usage and adoption tracking across the sales organization.

Prioritize inbound leads and delegate per SDR expertise

Having your contacts automatically enriched in Salesforce means you have more information at your fingertips than ever to determine how your sales team’s time should be spent. This will allow you to focus on leads that are most likely to convert.

Imagine that a new inbound lead comes in with little to no information. All you have to go on is a first name, email address, and white paper download submission. Your sales reps have no basis to prioritize this lead because it looks too similar to your other leads. You have no indication as to how likely the lead is to buy your product.

Now what if your contact enrichment tool figures out that this lead is the VP Marketing for one of your targeted accounts? Based on your prior ABM research, you already know that this VP is shopping around for a new solution. Once you know that this contact has shown an interest in you, you’ll no doubt ensure that this lead is prioritized by your team.

It’s crucial that you set up roles for lead-routing within your sales organization based on the data fields revealed to you by enrichment tools. Don’t neglect to rethink your lead distribution strategy. Different reps are more familiar with different industries and sectors. Reps with vast experience selling to a specific industry are more likely to be in tune with common industry-specific concerns. Your enrichment tool contains data around verticals, company size, and everything in between, so take this new data into account when formulating your routing strategy.

Understand buyer personas and modify your marketing efforts

It’s extremely important that you modify your marketing strategy based on the leads you’re able to attract. Using Salesforce’s reporting, you’ll be able to segment the data on your enriched records to gain a deeper understanding of your existing inbound leads vs. buyer personas.

Your analysis can show your marketing team which types of contacts they are most often able to attract. Say you’re selling a software solution that best fits VP R&D at B2B tech companies with 1000+ employees in North America. When you run Salesforce reports on your enriched records, you see that most of your inbound leads are front-end interns from companies with 1–50 employees in England. These insights will have a major impact on your marketing strategy.

One assumption may be that your marketing resources aren’t targeted properly on topics that interest c-suite. Another possibility is that the keywords triggering your paid campaigns aren’t the ones searched for by your executive persona. In both cases, further marketing research is needed to inform your marketing strategy.

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Originally published at on August 13, 2019.

