Swift Framework — Ch: 1 . Develop a Swift Framework

Zaid Pathan
Published in
3 min readFeb 4, 2017

Swift Frameworks are Just Awesome!

This is a part of Swift Series by LushBinary tech team.

Find this chapter in Spanish by Daniel Isaac.

WORE — Write Once Run Everywhere, Is now used for Swift along with Java.

Indeed Swift became a popular programming language and evolving day-by-day.

Developing a Swift Framework has it’s own Advantages as follows.

  1. Hide your code implementation.
  2. As .framework files are already compiled, it will reduce recompilation and save your time while developing.
  3. It is what Apple uses, Ex: UIKit.framework.

So what are you looking for?, let’s start developing your own Swift framework now.

Tools used : XCode 9.3+, Swift 4.1+

Step 1:- Setup Framework Project

  • Create new XCode project.
  • Click on Cocoa Touch Framework
Choose Cocoa Touch Framework
  • Name your project, we have used AlamoWater sounds similar to Alamofire. (Make sure to choose language — Swift)
  • Click AlamoWater folder inside your target and press ⌘ + N.
  • Choose File Name AlamoWater and Subclass of: NSObject

Step 2:- Write some Code

Add following code inside AlameWater.swift.

Note:- Make sure your class and methods are open.


Step 3:- To create framework for both iOS Device and Simulator add new Aggregate target to your project.

Add Aggregate target
Add Run Script
Run Script
  • Note:- In Run Script, Make sure to change AlamoWater with your project name.

Step 4:- Build your first framework by Choosing UniversalAlamoWater target pressing ⌘ + B

After build completed,You will see Finder opening with Your Framework in that.

Happy Happy :)

Step 5:- Add this framework to your any project and use it.


Note:- If you are getting following error,

… Reason: image not found

Make sure your framework is added in both Embedded Binaries and Linked Frameworks and Libraries

Get Full SourceCode on Ch: 1 — GitHub.

