What is Lusio?

Anvay Kshatriya
2 min readJan 17, 2023


Lusio is a one-stop platform that makes it easy to find trusted web3 games, track in-game assets and achievements, and trade game assets across all games from a single platform. With Lusio, a gamer can focus on what’s more important: the actual gaming experience!

Lusio — Your web3 gaming sidekick

The blockchain gaming industry is poised for significant growth in the coming years, with the potential to attract millions of players. However, as the industry is still relatively new, there are many gaps that need to be filled in order for it to reach mainstream adoption. At Lusio, we recognise this and are building our platform with the goal of lowering the barrier to entry for the web3 gaming ecosystem. By doing so, we aim to enable gamers to fully take advantage of the benefits that come with blockchain-based games.

To achieve this, we’re focusing on three key areas.

The first area is discovery. Gamers often struggle to find and verify reliable web3 games to play, as few sources exist and many platforms lack sufficient information to help them get started. We aim to address this issue by collecting comprehensive data about every existing and upcoming game in the web3 gaming space, providing gamers with the maximum information they need to find a game that suits their preferences.

The second area is on-chain tracking. Most existing on-chain asset tracking platforms and tools are built for traders and investors, and do not take into account the needs of a gamer who is playing web3 games. We’re working to fix this by providing a tool that prioritises the gamer’s perspective, allowing them to view their assets by aggregating and meaningfully organising on-chain asset and achievements information. This will give gamers valuable insights into their assets, allowing them to make informed decisions about their in-game investments.

The third area is aggregation. Currently, every web3 game either has a marketplace of its own or their assets are listed in some chain-specific marketplace. This can be overwhelming for gamers who have to hop between different marketplaces to trade their assets. We’re solving this problem by bringing all of these marketplaces together in a single platform, allowing gamers to trade their assets seamlessly without worrying about all the different marketplaces. Our goal is to make the trading of in-game assets as seamless and user-friendly as possible.

Our approach to building Lusio will be to make it gamer-first, putting the needs of gamers front and centre, along with making it as easy as possible for a non-crypto/web3 native gamer to understand the blockchain side of things in blockchain gaming.

Join the waitlist on Lusio & follow us on Twitter, to stay up-to-date with the latest developments and be among the first to experience the benefits of web3 gaming with Lusio.

