What is web3 gaming ?

5 min readAug 19, 2023


To some people, web3 games are a fluke; to others they believe it's the start of something great and amazing that the upcoming generation will be proud to have.

I had the privilege of interviewing some members of the Catalyst OG guild and here's what they have to say about web3 games.

What is web3 gaming to you?

A lifestyle: Kobe streams saw it as a lifestyle and a great way to blow steam off from his Real life.

An opportunity 💰: Crypto hado believes it is an Opportunity to jump into a market that is crowdsourcing its building of games.

The next evolution 🛸: Cloudz had something else to say entirely which was web3 is the next evolution of gaming in general. In his opinion it allows users to have a better gaming experience, while the space is not there right now, the technology behind it is definitely impactful enough to create a new culture of gaming and gaming experience.

Ownership 🔑: For Attis, web3 gaming is a place where gamers can actually own the assets they gain throughout playing a game. This to her, is key as many games ranging from FIFA to WoW have third party services when somebody wants to off-board which also violates the EULA from those games, however it is the player’s time and effort that led them to have all of these in-game assets so therefore they should own them!

Ultimate opportunity 🏗️: Mizzy being a hardcore gamer since he was little gave his perspective on what he feels, which is Web3 gaming as the ultimate opportunity to create a lifestyle for kids to be able to do the things that they love and not have to feel guilty about whether or not they are “being productive enough”. He also views web3 gaming as a global opportunity to help people from all parts all over the world to have access to more resources, connections and opportunities than ever before.

Value🪙 : Ramen cash believes that web3 games have an option for gamers which allows players to extract value from the games that they play with the money that they spend whether it be in app purchases, skins, assets which allows them to reinvest back into other games to help stimulate the gaming ecosystem.

Cultural movement🪩: Crypto hado believes that web3 gaming represents a cultural movement with the help of a budding technology which allows you the freedom to be a pioneer in a new space.
Currently we have two types of games:
1. Those made by gamers for gamers.
2. Those made by VC and Crypto bros who want to make a cash cow.

While this same issue may exist in regular gaming, this indicates that the web3 gaming community is aware of how the web2 gaming economy works and is an industry that requires people from a diverse range of professions, so it has a place for everyone within it.

Catalyst OG

As we move ahead, it's worth delving into the significance of web3 games.
Even though the web3 gaming industry is in its early stages, its grasp of the web2 gaming landscape emphasizes its inclusive nature & welcoming individuals from various professions.

1. What does web3 games signify?

Although the web3 gaming industry is still in its infancy stages there are opportunities to jump into a market that is crowdsourcing its building of games.

2. In the next few years, where do we envision web3 games to be?

A few years from now, we'll be seeing players use their assets across different gaming ecosystems which will foster true ownership in games while allowing gamers to be part of an open development model which will affect everyone.

In just a matter of time, web3 gaming will become an industry of various genres of games which won't require millions of users to run a successful economy; rather the success metric will depend on who can combine creative ideas with strong marketing at the highest level.

3. Will there be a core demographic in the future??

With the infrastructural niches taking place and games being labeled as either play-to-earn, fully on-chain or play-to-mint.

Each game will have a core demographic that is most likely influenced by the economic standing of different countries & regions around the world.

This will probably result in the emergence of the first popular web3 game within a few years which will be an advancement in the gaming space compared to the current games under development today.

4. How can we build a sustainable system for web3 games??

For now the best method to achieve this is through trial and error which will likely carry on for years but the lessons learned will be applied to a sustainable system for asset return.

We'll know the biggest progress has been made once people start pitching web3 games as games and stop focusing on appeasing investors.
Although a sustainable tokenomics model that benefits everyone hasn't been discovered yet.
Most KOL in web3 games believe that games don't need tokenomics.

Another indicator will be the simplicity meaning playing a web3 game will be as simple as turning on a playstation and playing it today.

This reminds us of when computers were first invented and people had to learn how to code before they could use it.
This is no different with web3 games and we believe that as time goes on web3 features will become more normal to use.

5. What will be the visible signs of this transformation?

This evolution will encompass the seamless integration of millions of gamers through advanced onboarding processes with web3 technology seamlessly underpinning the backend.
Additionally, this shift will lead to a significant surge in the ownership of digital assets, granting games the capability to more effectively incentivize their players.

Furthermore, this transformation will be characterized by the widespread adoption of web3 integrations within top-tier AAA titles. Notably, some of these titles will emerge from a web3-centric foundation, signifying that web3 integrations will extend beyond mere tokens to encompass tangible asset ownership. This includes in-game items like gear that can be traded as NFTs. While several AAA titles such as Sparkball, Gran Saga Unlimited, and Shrapnel are already in development with strong ties to web3, the industry is poised to witness a proliferation of such titles in the near future.

In conclusion, I'll end this article with these words by Damian which is:

“Web3 gaming needs to have aspects of web3. Not everything but something, otherwise these games are just web2 without the tech”

Sincere gratitude to the Catalyst OG for making it a success.

To our dear readers, What is web3 gaming to you?
We'll love to read your response.

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☑️ Content gal 😉 ☑️ Web3 Gaming Creator ✅Content strategist