
A glimmer of hope is like a speck of hope. Don't give up! Challenges are bound to stretch. Obstacles must be ready to get in the way.

Lusius Sinurat
Lusius Sinurat
Published in
Apr 10, 2024


Fight on. Share the rest of your love with your vision and mission in life. Swing your steps in the mud of your achievements. Shine your light in the darkness that haunts your pilgrimage every now and then.

Do not stop while you are still able to step. Do not be silent when injustice is raging in front of you. Achieve what you want. Get rid of all your fatigue when all is not yet at the end.



Lusius Sinurat
Lusius Sinurat

Boook writer, data entry, article writing, content writing, ghostwriting, copywriting, book review, etc.