Farming Profession in the View of Karo Youth

Lusius Sinurat
Lusius Sinurat
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2023
Farming Profession in the View of Karo Youth

"Farming Profession in the View of Karo Youth

The high quantity of land and quality of agricultural products in an area will benefit the area.

Such is the case with farmers in Karo Regency. Karo agricultural products have even succeeded in exporting their agricultural products to other regions, even abroad.

Of course, this success will increase the PAD for Karo district. That is why, in the past, the agricultural sector looked promising in the future.

In fact, the population level of our earth is increasing, so the conversion of agricultural land into settlements seems inevitable.

As a result, the quantity of agricultural land is shrinking, while the need for food is increasing dramatically.

With less and less product, but very high demand, the price will be more expensive. Of course, this fact will benefit farmers, and the farming profession is seen as very promising.

However, this high rate of land conversion is causing global warming. The climate and weather are changing drastically, resulting in a decline in the quality of farmers' crops and crop failures.

The above conditions are very detrimental to farmers. They have to have a longer harvesting period, and even after planting, they cannot be sure whether it will be profitable, or even a loss.

This is what happened to the farmers in Karo Simalem. We, who are mostly children of farmers, realize that being a farmer is not something interesting anymore.

With the increasing risk of crop failure due to global warming, plus the fact that the capital needed by farmers is getting bigger, we, as Karo teenagers, are even more convinced that the farming profession is not promising at all at this time.

Kabanjahe. June 14, 2023

Lusius Sinurat



Lusius Sinurat
Lusius Sinurat

Boook writer, data entry, article writing, content writing, ghostwriting, copywriting, book review, etc.