Is the Lindenwood Campus Safe?

Savannah Phillips
Published in
1 min readDec 11, 2015

Statistics show that there have been eighteen school shootings since 2015. Lindenwood security is always alert despite the fact that it is a non-gated campus. The thought of something happening on our campus is always a possibility.

Lindenwood student Sophie Buelow said, “I feel like there is always a lot of campus security driving around. You always see them around on campus and by women’s housing and stuff and I feel if there were to be a threat at Lindenwood, I think they would respond very well just because there are so many of them. And I feel like they would know what to do in a situation like that if something were to occur.”

Another Lindenwood resident commented about how we take campus security for granted. Director of Public Safety John Bowman also encouraged a three step guide if ever there is at threat on campus. Lindenwood security encourages everyone to stay informed and polished for the future.

