Lindenwood Hosts Vigil for Paris

Savannah Phillips
Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2015

On Monday night, Lindenwood University student Geddy Avery, coordinated and planned a candle lit vigil to unite our Lindenwood community after the Paris terrorist attacks.

U.S. students and international students gathered together uniting as one to mourn the tragedies that have struck Europe ever so drastically.

“The people here who know we are dealing with these tragedies who are specifically involved in them who have family involved or who are personally involved — they know we support them. That they know that this community is here for them. and that we are willing to stand up with them when the time comes,” said Geddy.

Geddy spoke on behalf of those mourning about the raids and bombings along with a moment of silence for the lives lost. The French students came together to sing their national anthem and all those who attended lit candles and filled tables at the pavillion.

French students touched on how hard it was to watch all of this unfold through a television screen, wishing they could be withe their families and that they were okay.

“These next few weeks will prove challenging for many here on campus. I implore you all to choose kind words, to communicate, and to listen more than you talk. your mind and your heart will open wide as a result,” said French professor, Heather Brown-Hudson

Despite the mourning and sadness in result of these tragedies, that has not stopped the students of Lindenwood University to come together to support the community of international students here on campus. Lindenwood’s unity is stronger than ever.

International military action has come quickly. But I spoke to one Lindenwood professor who believes there are better ways to defeat terrorists.

“It is not because their ideology is wonderful and great, there has got to be something else. And we need to go ahead and we need to beat them at that level,” said Professor Donald Heindenreich. “As much as we need to beat them militarily, yes they need to be defeated on the battlefield, but they also need to be defeated in the mind.”

Professor Heidenreich says we can’t live in fear or the terrorists win.

