Lindenwood steps up security after Oregon shooting

Elizabeth Duesenberg
Published in
2 min readOct 20, 2015
The Spellman Center Building at Lindenwood University

Lives were changed in Oregon when a shooter opened fire at Umpqua Community College. Chris Harper-Mercer fatally shot eight students and one employee, making it the deadliest shooting in state.

The shooting forced Lindenwood University security officials to review their emergency plans. Students were also saddened and shocked about the shooting and wanted to make sure that their campus is safe.

Lindenwood security trucks frequently circle around campus and are easily accessible to students. University student, Sloane Marshall, reflects on why he believes the campus is safe, “There is a lot less people, security is always on campus. I just think that, that element of being smaller keeps things more manageable.”

Campus security continue to try and keep students safe by renewing their safety protocols. Director of public safety and security, John Bowman, explains that along with students being aware of their surroundings, they need to communicate with the officials.

“Be vigilant, report anything that is out of the ordinary, if they hear something that they think is suspicious or that could be threatening, we want to know about it so we can investigate,” states Bowman.

With security potentially tightening up around campus, The Legacy student newspaper reporter, Phillip Scherer, says there is a fine line between being safe and being too precautious.

“There is things you can do to feel safe, but you don’t want to take those measures too far because then you start to trap the students and they don’t feel safe,” Scherer stated.

The emergency alert system around campus.

Bowman says the school has a plan during an active shooter emergency. A system called Rave Alerts sends texts and emails to students during a crisis.

“We want you to try and get away if you can, you know which is the run part, if you can’t get out of the building we want you to hide, be very still, make sure your cell phone is on vibrate, secure the room that you’re in and the last part is fight. If your life is being threatened we want you to defend yourself,” expresses Bowman.

Bowman also says students have access to a video on their security website called “Run, Hide, Fight.” Visit



Elizabeth Duesenberg

Lindenwood University senior, Mass Comm major, aspire to be the new Giuliana Rancic