The End of The Road

Kristine Gipperich
3 min readDec 4, 2015


I cannot begin to explain all the emotions that have crossed my mind in these last couple weeks. I never knew what to expect after graduation but it’s all approaching much quicker than I expected. I’ve learned so much over the last three and a half years at Lindenwood, yet I still don’t feel prepared for the “real” world. Everyone keeps asking me what I am going to do next and if I found a job, but I just want to take it one step at a time. I don’t want people to think I’m being lazy, I just really want to weigh out my options.

What’s next?!

It’s hard when people ask me what I want to do because it hasn’t quite hit me that I am taking on the next step in life. Honestly, time has flew by and it’s crazy to think in just a couple of days I will be walking across the stage to receive my diploma. Sometimes I think graduation is just for the parents and friends to see their loved ones cross the stage, but it’s also a sense of accomplishment for the student. You have not only graduated from high school, but then proceeded to get a higher education and graduate college. Fifteen or more years of school is quite an accomplishment and I am ready to see what else is out there.

My Experience..

When I first came to Lindenwood I looked at many options. I thought I wanted to be a business major, a teacher, and even study exercise science. Little did I know that I would find myself 3 and a half years later graduating with a communications degree. There has been a lot of ups and downs, but my last semester at Lindenwood has been phenomenal. Jill and Brandon have been an amazing help along the way and never leave me confused. Whether it’s the wrong lighting in an interview or a future job opportunity the doors are never closing. They have been the most encouraging and determined professors throughout my college career and it has meant so much to me. One thing I am going to miss is how close the group has gotten over the semester. Whether it’s out in the field or out to eat at ballpark village it has always been an adventure.


I’m sad to leave but I’m so grateful for all the memories I’ve made. Surprisingly some of my best ones were in the super semester. Other students warned me it would be tough and you have to work really hard, but I found it rewarding in the end. Things were difficult at times, but I eventually pulled through and accomplished things I though I would once fail at. However, one friendship that will always be with me is Elizabeth. With random outings, long conversations, and wobbling around with equipment in our hands I know we have created a lifetime of memories. It has been a crazy run full of confusion, laughter, tears, and joy but it has been worth it. I’m so sad to go but Lindenwood it’s been great.



Kristine Gipperich

Proud to be a lion Majoring in mass communications #LUforlife