How did I end up in Portugal?

Giovanna Girnos Travensolo
Published in
6 min readApr 26, 2018

A quick summary of a Brazilian in Lisbon

Well, that’s a good question!

Everything began when I started to consider studying abroad while I was doing my Public Relations BA at UNESP in São Paulo. I’m not sure if every Brazilian person is aware of that, but at that time (2013) a governamental programme that used to take students to study abroad, didn’t offer that many scholarships for communication students.

However, at that time, I came across some other options of scholarships that were being offered by other companies and institutions. For this reason, in 2014 I ended up applying to one of these opportunities that would take place in Portugal. For my surprise — or not — I wasn’t among the chosen ones to live such experience at that moment. The good thing of this story is that my opportunity to live in Portugal wasn’t over, actually, it was just the beginning!

After this episode some years passed and throughout this time I ended up choosing to focus all my energy on finishing my studies, doing my best in my internship and saving as much money as possible so I could — in a not far future — spend all my savings in my dream of having an experience abroad.

When I realized that all these goals were slowly being accomplished I restarted my researches on courses abroad that would interest me and, to make matters better, I came across a really cool one: a Post-grad in Branding and Content Marketing. This course was the perfect package. It would not only focus on the things that I like but it would also have the perfect length: one year! Also, I was bringing my dream of living in Portugal back cause this experience would take place in Lisbon! How cool is that?

Well, but why Portugal?

I have to be honest: for me it was the least complicated option! The language is the same (although it doesn’t sound similar AT ALL), which means a proficiency test wouldn’t be necessary and it would also mean to save time and money, right?

In addition to all this pros, I thought that studying in Europe would be an amazing idea cause, as everyone knows, almost every single city in this continent is super well-connected with one another and that would enable me to visit as many different places as I could!

Since my course was already chosen and every other aspect of this experience was combining with my needs, I applied for this Post-grad studies in April 2017 and waited for the result that would be available at the end of July. Throughout this waiting time I came back home to spend some time with my family and also to find a job that could provide me some extra cash to this possible adventure.

It was on the 24th of July when I got to know the result of my application: yes, I passed! My dream was about to begin!

At that moment it was the time to put together all the boring stuff: every single document to legalize my situation in Portugal, of course. I had to ask for a temporary student visa which means I’d have to have applied for a course with a one year length max.

Like most of the consulates, the Portuguese one was full of visa requests at the time I asked for mine. That meant I had to wait longer than the expected date to receive my documents.That’s when the stress came over me. Since I had already bought my flight tickets and my classes were about to begin I had to send them an email asking them to rush with my visa otherwise all my plans could be messed up.

If you are an organized person like me, you can imagine that such episode was quite of a nightmare right? I had everything planned but I was depending on the consulate’s efficiency.

However, even with all this extra stress, the luck was by my side. Thanks to the empathy of some consulate’s employees every document was ready before my journey… one day before, I may add. And then my adventure begins. On September 23rd I was heading to Portugal with my luggages and an wide open heart!

Once I arrived in Lisbon soil I automatically started to solve some bureaucracies such as: legal documents, to provide my public transport card and, of course, to find a cozy place where I could live! In a week I had almost everything solved. I found a place to stay, I had the opportunity to meet some people and also to stroll around the city! That was the proof that my international experience had finally begun!

The first cultural clash that I noticed was certainly the language barrier. Oh yeah, we speak the same language but it’s kind of completely different. As Portuguese people say… we speak “Brazilian”. I may confess that even being in the first row in my first weeks of classes, I wasn’t able to understand loads of things that were being said by my classmates and teachers. Some months after that I can say I’m a Portuguese pro! Now I can understand everything!

Even though I started my studies, I was also looking for a job so I could save some more money and, at this time, my savings would be in Euro (yay)! Moreover, this money would be really helpful to pay my expenses in Lisbon that- although is not that expensive compared to other places in Europe- it is still not cheap. The good thing is that finding a job was already in my plans so everything was flowing as expected. For this reason, I had to provide a license that would enable me to work legally and also not to pay taxes throughout this time.

I can say that such thing was the beginning of my professional journey in Lisbon. For two months I experienced working in a bar, after that, during Christmas time, I was working in a store as a “gift wrapper”. Even though I had already found some sources of money, I was still looking for a job. That’s when I found a quite uncommon job offer online…

It was a Brazilian StartUp, based in Lisbon, that was looking for content producers who could speak Brazilian Portuguese. Their business was focused on Love Hotels Market (Motel in Portuguese).

After my interview for this StartUp I was admitted and I automatically started to officially work for Luvotels (! It is basically an online booking platform only focused on Love Hotels in São Paulo. My first role was to produce content related to this topic but, as the business started to grow, I quickly became a sales and customer services manager.

When it comes to my leisure time, I was able to visit 3 different countries in a short period of 7 months: Ireland, Spain and Germany! Apart from that, I could get to know quite a few lovely places inside Portugal. Since my time in Europe is not over yet, I am planning a super cool trip around France, Italy and Greece before my way back to Brazil.

What about my situation right now?

Although I still have some months to enjoy this European life, I can say that what I got until now from all this experience is amazing. From my personal growth to meeting new people, new places and cultures…

Another cool fact is that I’m looking to my country in a different way since I moved to another continent. In addition to that, I had the opportunity to meet some crazy and amazing people that I have the pleasure to work with. To make matters better I will continue this experience working for Luvotels even though I will be heading back home because they want me with them in São Paulo. Amazing right?

That’s a summary of my story away from home….

If you are in doubt of living an adventure in Portugal, what I tell you is the following: JUST LIVE IT! Go for it! You’ll have an amazing experience!

For now, I thank you Lisbon!



Giovanna Girnos Travensolo

Comunicadora e gestora de projetos. Usando esse espaço para epifanias e opiniões.