Published in
Feb 8, 2021

Welcome to Inkpot!

Every month, members of the League of Utah Writers can submit stories to Inkpot through Medium. The Utah Freelance Editors (a chapter of the League) will pick four pieces, work with the author to edit the pieces, and publish one piece per week on our online literary journal.

April 2021 is open to ANY GENRE. All entries must be under 1000 words. Submissions must be received by March 31, 2021 to be considered. For instruction on how to submit, read our How to Submit entry:

Themes/Genres for 2021:
May: No theme — Poetry
June: Where There Is No Darkness
July: Holding the Universe Together — Speculative Fiction
August: Pride Comes Before the Fall
September: Half Agony, Half Hope — Romance
October: Evil Is Nothing but Vanity — Horror
November: What Our Souls Are Made Of
December: When the Clock Stops