The 10 Best Trailers of 2017

Lucien WD
Luwd Media
Published in
2 min readDec 11, 2017


I know you’re all still anticipating my Best & Worst Films of 2017 (to be revealed in just a few days!) but to further whet your appetite, I’m going to announce the 10 film trailers that impressed me most this year.

Now, as per usual these are trailers for 2017 releases. So I’m including the Logan trailer that dropped in October 2016, but not the teaser for Incredibles 2. I know, it’s confusing. Rules.

So here are my top 10:

Possibly the strongest trailer ever for a comic-book movie. Perfect song choice, and a great reveal of the sort of Wolverine film we were to expect (a film that did not live up to the brilliance of these 2 minutes).

I knew the minute I watched this that Call Me By Your Name would be my favourite film of the year. A homoerotic dream captured in just 130 seconds. The 130 minutes of the film are even dreamier.

I still haven’t seen The Post, but every few days I console myself by watching this superb trailer, which showcases (almost) all of the incredible actors in the film.

This one is fascinating. A trailer for a film that, technically, does not exist. Pre-Kevin Spacey firing, we got our first look at Ridley Scott’s All The Money…, terrifically cut to “Time of the Season” by The Zombies. Yet half the footage in this trailer will never be seen on the big screen. Sad!

You don’t think they can get “Blue Monday”, “Personal Jesus” and “Black Skinhead” into one trailer… until they do. Atomic Blonde is a thrill, and this sets the stage perfectly for what was the year’s best action movie.

This is literally just the funniest scene in the film presented as a trailer. Clever technique, but not representative of the overall quality of The Disaster Artist.

Disney stole the Johnny Cash idea from Logan, but — hey — it’s still effective! Once again, the fifth Pirates did not live up to the cool tone of this spot.

The cleverest thing about this teaser is the echoing of almost every beat of the Force Awakens teaser from 2014. It’s also pretty damn atmospheric.

King Arthur was the worst film I saw this year. But it had an incredible score by Daniel Pemberton, which is the backbone of this promising teaser trailer. The film was nothing, NOTHING, like what was promised here.

Had to stick a Chris Nolan trailer in here somewhere. This was the highlight of Dunkirk’s mostly underwhelming marketing campaign.

What were your favourite trailers of the year? Let me know in the comments below!

