Wednesday One-Sheets: ‘The Last Jedi’, ‘Pirates’ and ‘Baywatch’

Lucien WD
Luwd Media
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2017

Alrighty, folks — it’s time for my weekly breakdown of the latest movie posters, this week featuring another interesting selection of artwork. Shall we begin?

It’s probably in everyone’s best interests that Baywatch’s marketing puts its male stars, The Rock and Zac Efron, to the forefront of the scantily-clad models who are likely the real draw of the film. *Let’s all pretend we’re seeing this for Rock and Zac*. The fellow on the right holding the surfboard, I recognise him: he was in Loving and an episode of The Newsroom. I hate that guy. In other news, “Beaches Ain’t Ready” is a very solid tagline; one that I imagine took quite a lot of thought from Paramount’s team.

Definitely the best piece of art we’ve seen from this film so far. Very smart of Fox to use the classic Alien image, since the last time we saw it on a poster was AVP Requiem. This film certainly has greater prestige. Michael Fassbender’s face, in theory, deserves to be more prominent, but after the failure of Assassin’s Creed, Fox probably don’t feel like they owe him any attention. Always nice to see Billy Crudup make the poster — it’s been a while.

Were it not for today’s final poster, these international Pirates 5 character sheets would definitely be my favourite art of the week. Nothing grabs my attention like the glossy contrast between gold and blue, and this presents that beautifully. They’ve done it: they’ve made Johnny Depp look cool again.

Unlikely to be topped as the most iconic poster of 2017, this teaser art for December’s The Last Jedi dropped simultaneously with the film’s teaser trailer — and was met with considerably greater universal praise. Nobody can fault the simple magic of this image: the faces of Luke and Kylo, uncle and nephew, Rey clutching her lightsaber, shooting a beam of light that combines the colours of the light and dark side, and doubles as the OG Jedi logo. The white border surrounding the red centre. Just stunning in every way. Here’s to more experimentation from LucasFilm marketing!

