Wednesday One-Sheets: ‘Thor: Ragnarok’, ‘Justice League’, ‘The Shape of Water’

Lucien WD
Luwd Media
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2017


It’s time for Wednesday One-Sheets, my weekly roundup of the latest movie posters! This week, I’m highlighting some fresh art that was debuted at San Diego Comic-Con over the weekend.

The Warner Bros. marketing department are currently working all-hours trying to make Justice League seem like The Movie of the Now, whatever they think that is. The tone of the posters and trailers shifted after Suicide Squad and again after Wonder Woman, and — with Joss Whedon essentially taking over as director — who knows what sort of film we’ll be getting. This poster is certainly memorable, riffing on Queen artwork and using some classic DC illustration as inspiration. But the incorporation of the heroes’ logos into “You Can’t Save The World Alone” is incredibly loud. Not necessarily in a good way. I must admit that “All In” is a decent tagline.

We gettttt it — there’s a panther and he’s a panther, yeah yeah yeah. Better than the film’s hideous teaser poster, but still quite generic.

Yikes. I can’t decide if this is the most awfully gaudy poster of 2017, or the most cleverly inventive in fitting a massive ensemble onto one page in a sorta-original way. Y’know what, I think it’s the latter. This is pretty smart, using a variety of circles to highlight Thor, Hulk, Loki and Cate Blanchett With Antlers. Nice tribal designs/colours at the back. My biggest complaint would be the smallness of Jeff Goldblum, hiding between Loki’s… ummm… antlers. Not bad, Marvel marketing.

Guillermo Del Toro’s new fantasy looks really lovely, but this girl-on-merman design is a bit more provocative than the film’s trailer. Still, striking.

