The AI Diet, Viruses, and Mercury’s Place in the Solar System: Lux Recommends #174

Lux Capital
2 min readMar 29, 2019


By Sam Arbesman, PhD

Welcome to Lux Recommends #174, this week’s edition of what we at Lux are reading and thinking about (want to receive this by email? Sign up here).


The A.I. Diet: “Forget government-issued food pyramids. Let an algorithm tell you how to eat.” — Adam G

How Designers Engineer Luck Into Video Games: “The responsibilities and challenges of programmed luck.” — Sam

Why Food Could Be the Best Medicine of AllAdam G

What Will Happen When Machines Write Songs Just as Well as Your Favorite Musician? “Artificial intelligence tools will hurt some musicians and help others.” — Sam

Can a Facebook Post Make Your Insurance Cost More? “With insurers likely to add social media to the data they review before issuing policies, it might be wise to post pictures from the gym — but not happy hour” — Adam K

A New Discovery Upends What We Know About Viruses: “A plant virus distributes its genes into eight separate segments that can all reproduce, even if they infect different cells.” — Adam G

A Clever New Strategy for Treating Cancer, Thanks to DarwinSam

A Twin Inside a Twin: In Colombia, an Extraordinary Birth: ‘What appeared to be a cyst in a healthy fetus turned out to be an unformed twin “absorbed” early in pregnancy, connected by a second umbilical cord and still growing.’— Adam K


Permafrost by Alastair Reynolds: “2080: at a remote site on the edge of the Arctic Circle, a group of scientists, engineers and physicians gather to gamble humanity’s future on one last-ditch experiment. Their goal: to make a tiny alteration to the past, averting a global catastrophe while at the same time leaving recorded history intact. To make the experiment work, they just need one last recruit: an ageing schoolteacher whose late mother was the foremost expert on the mathematics of paradox.” — Sam


Catastrophe: The fourth and final season of this fantastic show is out. — Sam

Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes: “Present-day interviews, archival footage and audio recordings made on death row form a searing portrait of notorious serial killer Ted Bundy.” — Adam G

Ray Romano: Right Here, Around the Corner: “Ray Romano cut his stand-up teeth at the Comedy Cellar in New York. Now, in his first comedy special in 23 years, he returns to where it all began.” — Adam G


Actually, Mercury Is Our Closest Planetary NeighborSam

This AI Converts Quick Sketches to Photorealistic LandscapesSam

Office lights TetrisAdam K

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