The Moon, Unused Beer, and Pong: Lux Recommends #227

Lux Capital


By Sam Arbesman, PhD

Welcome to Lux Recommends #227, this week’s edition of what we at Lux are reading and thinking about (want to receive this by email? Sign up here).


The race for coronavirus vaccines: a graphical guide: “Eight ways in which scientists hope to provide immunity to SARS-CoV-2” — Adam G

Al Alcorn, Creator of Pong, Explains How Early Home Computers Owe Their Color Graphics to This One Cheap, Sleazy Trick: “The video game pioneer explains how he introduced Steve Wozniak to the hack that gave the Apple II its color — and the origin of Pong’s famous blip sound” — Shahin

A New Problem Is Brewing in the Beer Industry: One Million Kegs Are Going Stale: “The coronavirus pandemic stranded unused beer in stadiums, concert halls, restaurants and bars. Now brewers and distributors facing sizable losses have to figure out what to do with it all.” — Friend of Lux Brad Weinberg

68 Bits of Unsolicited AdviceSam

People Are Making Bots to Snatch Whole Foods Delivery Order Time Slots: “Developers are creating a tech divide between those who can use a bot to order their food and those who just have to keep trying during the pandemic.” — Adam K

New Comprehensive Geologic Map of the Moon Released: “For the first time, the entire lunar surface has been completely mapped and uniformly classified by scientists from the USGS Astrogeology Science Center, in collaboration with NASA and the Lunar Planetary Institute.” — Lux Recommends reader Tom McGahren

Computational Techniques Developed to Explore ‘The Dark Side of Amyloid Aggregation in the Brain’: “UMass Amherst scientists advance knowledge of neurodegenerative fibril formation” — Adam G

The Pandemic Is Not a Natural Disaster: “Zoonotic diseases can seem like earthquakes; they appear to be random acts of nature. In fact, they are more like hurricanes — they can occur more frequently, and become more powerful, if human beings alter the environment in the wrong ways.” — Deena


Big Bucks: The Press Your Luck ScandalAdam K


Why We Love Repetition in MusicAdam K

Build Your Own Magically Floating Lego Tensegrity SculptureSam

Incredible choreography makes this South Korean cheer team look like a human LCDAdam K

Pod of Dolphins Glows Blue in Bioluminescent WavesAdam K

Biggest Fast Food Chains in the World 1971–2019— Lux friend Lboca

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