Luxcore Q3 Update

Published in
5 min readSep 30, 2019

The last day of the month is here, which is also the last day of Q3. I’m sure you’ve all been eagerly anticipating this quarters update. A lot has happened, and there is so much to talk about, let’s get right to it!


Last week our most anticipated product, Luxgate, finally reached the hands of our community. The team has been working around the clock to get this one out as soon as possible, keeping Luxcore’s high quality standards in mind. Close to the Luxgate beta deadline we decided to improve and secure Luxgate even further by migrating the orderbook over SmartContract. You can read a more technical article about the SmartContract orderbook HERE.

We hope you’re just as excited as we are about the Luxgate Beta release. Not only is this a major item checked of our roadmap, we’re also giving the crypto community the wonderful exchange they deserve. Rest assured that moving forward we will continue to improve Luxgate and push for an official release this Q4. If you want to read more about Luxgate’s release and how to participate in our beta testing you can check out our announcement post HERE.

Parallel Masternodes / Decentralized File Storage

Next up will be the PMN/DFS on our roadmap, even though development is pretty far along here. We currently feel that we will be better off allocating our resources to the development of Luxgate and our brand-new RandomX based algorithm, RX2. Because we don’t need to have the DFS live on our chain to continue developing products that will function on top of this we’ve decided to postpone the release of the PMN/DFS. With the release of our Luxgate beta we feel it is very difficult to put an exact date on when this development will resume we cannot give an estimate on this as of this point in time. However, we expect an updated roadmap by the end of year which should clear this up.

DFS Product Development

I already briefly talked about this in the previous section, we do not need the dfs live on our chain to continue development of our DFS products. LuxEdge’s architecture and design is currently being developed and we will continue the development regardless of the PMN/DFS progress. We’re personally very excited for LuxEdge and its potential, you can expect to hear more from this over the coming months.

Apple Watch Monitoring Application

As you can probably imagine, with many resources going towards the RX2 and Luxgate development, having a cool gadget like an apple watch monitoring application is simply not something we can dedicate any resources towards. We’ve not started the development of this application yet. We will push this of the roadmap for the time being.

Lux chain update to PoSV3

The Lux chain update to PoSV3 is one of those perfect examples that will show that Luxcore chooses quality over quantity. Not only are we updating to PoSV3, we’re currently working on migrating entirely to the new 0.18 codebase and not just updating to PoSV3, but to the latest standards. I’m expecting some great things from this 0.18 codebase, including the PoS update to the latest standard, wallet stability which will also benefit our web wallet as a service speed and stability. Because we wrapped this relatively small update into a big 0.18 code migration, we will push this into Q4 of 2019. Look forward to an in-depth article on all the changes when approaching the go-live.

Web3 Interface Host

I’m very happy to let you guys know that the Web3 Interface Host is finalized. This isn’t a very big deal yet for our community, but lays the groundwork for our Web3 Interface roadmap item in Q4.

Outside Scoop

So unfortunately, not all roadmap items are completed. But the team has shown being capable of facing challenges, staying innovative and really showed being capable of pushing the project to the next level. We’ve introduced reward structure changes that brought more balance to the rewards between PoS, PoW and Masternodes, more info here. We’ve introduced the smart contract orderbook to Luxgate and are very busy migrating to the 0.18 codebase. We’re once again developing a brand new, innovative and industry leading algorithm, RX2. Which will add security to the blockchain, removes any advantages specialized hardware may have and will make the blockchain more decentralized than ever before. Look forward to more articles about RX2 as we get closer to the fork block.

Marketing and PR

Hopefully the community already noticed that the last month has been more active than ever when it comes to community communication. We’ve published some great articles, updated the community on development status and now giving you an overview of this quarter’s events. We’re very happy to let you guys know that this isn’t just a one-time article or update. Going forward we will try our best to provide the community with a constant stream of information, and this is just the start of our new PR strategy. We will start by utilizing every social media platform that we can, creating native content for each of these platforms. Below we will highlight some of the key changes.

LinkedIn hasn’t been used much over the last several months with the main reason being not having much B2B content while products are still being developed. While we are getting closer to releasing products every day, it’s time to start to expand our B2B side of the company.

Telegram/Discord will be our go-to platform to inform investors of ongoing development, and we will continue to support the community with questions regarding our project. Not much will change here.

Reddit/Twitter/Facebook/Medium will be focused on expanding our brand awareness and will be focused more on getting the attention of new potential investors. We’re excited to announce the re-launch of our Lux Academy here, this time you can look forward to detailed written articles. Gradually moving from basic blockchain concepts into more in-depth, lux unique features and products.

Furthermore, the community can look forward to bi-weekly articles talking about the ongoing development, progression being made and what to look forward to in the upcoming weeks.

And last but not least we’ve seen many team members come and go over the last few months. We had the privilege of welcoming wonderful additions to the team, but we never got to really introducing them to you! We’re very happy to announce a monthly “Meet the team” in which we will put one of our team members in the spotlight.

Final word

That’s it for now, I hope everyone is just as excited as we are. This has been an amazing quarter and you’re an amazing community! If you don’t want to miss out on any content, make sure to follow / join us on every channel.

More information







Bitcointalk —

Please feel free to leave us your feedback as we always welcome it!

- The Luxcore Team

