Luxcore Weekly Report: November 9, 2018

Published in
2 min readNov 10, 2018


Luxcore Appoints Product Quality Officer

Although this is arguably more of a development update than a marketing and business update, anytime we have a chance to add strength to our team benefits the business as a whole. This week, we welcomed Tetyana Sopronyuk as Product Quality Officer. She will be working to help review the quality of all Luxcore products and services. Read all about the appointment here:


LuxGate development:

+ Update TradingViewChart
+ Add socket template to get realtime data for TradingViewChart
+ Add module
+ Some minor aesthetic fixes to the UI
+ Implement global order book for trade statistics and current exchange rate insights

Distributed file storage development:

+ Currently, we are starting to implement DFS (Distributed File Storage)
+ The draft idea and the specification is completed.
+ The detail technical description was put in

QT wallet and Core development:

+ Add segwit for PoS block
+ Fix assertion issue when a block is disconnected
+ Fix LSR tokens bug
+ Continue to implement BIP174 into Luxcore Blockchain
+ Add 2.0.1 qcustomplot, change cryptopia API call, simple plot
+ Update graph types, data range, data interval, interaction for TradingPlot
+ Improve multisend UI and BIP32 UI

New explorer development:

+ Improve the UI for better user experience
+ Improve internal processing for faster loading speed
+ Fix some minor bugs

Luxcore’s new, fully-customized explorer UI

