Luxcore Weekly Report: September 14, 2018

Published in
3 min readSep 14, 2018


Web wallet development:

+ Prepare infrastructure/environment for other blockchain to use Luxcore’s PoS web wallet.
+ Deploy test environment to test a new coin.
+ Update terms & conditions.
+ Show immature stakes and txes in balance.
+ Dynamic calc of PoS reward: This is important for other coins.
+ It is so far so good now. We are ready for our services.

LuxGate development:

+ Improve the graphics for better user experience:

* Sign In
* Sign Up
* Addresses
* Settings
* Trader
* Home
* Trade Orders
* Instagram Posts
* Facebook Posts

+ Backend and frontend were integrated. The testing is being performed now.
+ New endpoint is under consideration. Will integrate it once everything is done.

QT wallet and Core development:

— “5.2.3” was released on Sept. 12, 2018 (UTC)
+ This is non-mandatory, but highly suggested.
+ It is the improvement from older version.
+ Features:

* Fix crash issue for luxd and lux-qt.
* Fix stuck issue on sync.
* Fix potential peers sync attack.
* Improve LSR Token UI on overview page.
* Fix crash issue due to date time attack on peer.
* Fix wallet encryption fails with internal error.
* Fix ReserveKeyFromKeyPool error on sending coins.
* Fix “Read oldest key in keypool” issue.
* Fix “Don’t use change address” issue.
* Fix UTXO coin burning issue.
* Add helper for tx size and tx fee.

— Luxcore DApp JavaScript Library (Luxd.js)
+ A LUX full node for building applications and services with Node.js.
+ This is Luxcore JavaScript library for Smart Contract development.
+ It is still in development; Will update in next weekly update.

— Security improvement
+ No new updates as this feature is still in on-going development. Will update in next weekly update.
+ The coin will provide 2 new functions: Transparent and Privacy.
+ Transparency uses the normal protocol, while Privacy uses the i2p protocol.
+ If people use the Transparency protocol, everything will show (tx in/out, ipaddress, etc.)
+ If people use the Privacy protocol, everything will be hidden but conditions will be applied.
+ The backend is finished and we are doing some GUIs on QT

Luxtre wallet development:

— SmartContract & LSR_Token
+ Fix issues when calling SmartContract API
+ Update LSR_Token UI
+ Integrate LuxGate with default info

— Custom UI
+ Add split framework for custom UI

Explorer development:

+ Improve processing for getstakinginfo and getstakingstatus API
+ Improve color theme, logo, navbar for better user experience
+ Implement TPS (transactions per second) stats (eg: maximum TPS with minimum tx size, maximum TPS with average tx size, maximum TPS with max tx size)
+ Reduce needed bandwith: Start-up times will be much faster
+ Implement PoW and PoS block count from last 24h
+ Implement “copy address to clipboard”

