Quant Network is the Redhat/MicroSoft of the Blockchain & OverLedger = RHEL/Windows Server?

Crypto Don
7 min readApr 23, 2018



Problem — Cross BlockChain interoperability, Dapps are Blockchain specific

Solution — Overledger is a patent-pending (Blockchain Communications and Ordering” Patent number: 17425121.5–1217)

  • Blockchain Operating System (OS) — OverLedger
  • Blockchain Programming Interface (BPI)
  • Overledger Software Development Kit (SDK)

OverLedger — Operating System for Multi-Chain DApps (MApps)

Quant Network uses the idea of the OSI Model to create cross-blockchain communication protocol. There are others out there but they address specific needs and obstacles. Quant is introducing a complete protocol that will allow interoperability with existing blockchains and future blockchains.

In the computer networking world, over the last 30 years the underlying Layer 2 (OSI Model) network has changed from ThickNet to token-ring to now Ethernet 100G and soon 400G Ethernet. There were different networking (computer communications) protocols LANtasic, IPX/SPX, BaynVines. The industry settled on what was the most open, flexible, and scaled efficiently; which was TCP/IP. The computer operating systems have changed; Novell Networks, Windows 3.1, Mac OS, Windows 10, and all the variations of Linux (Operating Systems — OS). The reason these operating systems have become standard is because there was the option to use TCP/IP. Which is why OpenLedger OS COULD become the default OS of DApps because of the interoperability of the underlying communications protocols

Which is what Quant Networks wants to do with blockchain platforms

Their protocol matches to the OSI Layer 5–7 (Session, Presentation, and Application)

Overledger is a patent-pending blockchain Operating System (OS) which is able to handle and process data from/to any type of blockchain allowing DApps to exchange information stored in different DLTs and to mutually use the information that has been exchanged. In order to achieve a general level of interoperability and to provide horizontal and vertical scaling, Overledger decouples the blockchain architectures in “transaction layer”, “messaging layer”, “filtering and ordering layer” and “application layer”. Our architecture follows similar principles that inspired the OSI and TCP/IP models for communication networks

OverLedger Blockchain Programming Interface (BPI) and Software Developers Kit (SDK)

BPI acts as the key which helps any Overledger application to identify which blocks are part of the application being developed, the rules around using the application and how to interpret the data presented in the identified block.


  • Tools that will give developers an easy and standard way to access the Overledger functionality.
  • SDK will accelerate the DLT application development cycle, in a safe and predictable manner, thereby setting DLT technologies free to deliver their promise as a paradigm-shifting technology.

Solution Summary

Overledger can be summarised as

  • No technology or vendor lock-in mechanism
  • Distribution of applications across multiple blockchains
  • Improve resilience and eliminate/minimise redundancies
  • Cross-blockchain value transfer without intermediaries
  • Blockchain-to-Blockchain transfer and Machine-to-Machine transfer
  • Technology agnostic — works with any existing and future blockchain technology
  • Independent of underlying blockchain technology and code

Business Model

Four Revenue Streams

  • Transaction Fees
  • New RegTech and FinTech Products
  • Creating Distributed Enterprise Apps i.e Distributed Exchange

Quant App Store — planned to be launched in Q1 2019

  • Developers can release free applications — Client utilising the application holds a minimum number of QNT tokens in order to access the platform and use the solution.
  • Pay-for-Apps — Developers independently decide how much to charge for their apps the users. A separate payment processor like PayPal will be used to help facilitate payments. The QNT token will be used to access the network through the Quant App Store as well as being used to be tie into identity.
  • One time pay Model
  • Subscription Model
  • In App Model

Quant Overledger Interoperability

  • Flexibility
  • Backwards Compatibility
  • Simplicity

Quant SaaS Products

Planning to launch our own SaaS, Enterprise and Middleware applications

SaaS products live and in production (MVP for SaaS Apps)

  • AI driven, fraud detection and pattern recognition (TrustTag).

SaaS products in development

  • Legacy Data Interfaces
  • Op Code Plugins

SaaS products in the pipeline

  • Transaction Monitoring
  • Quant Risk Score (QRS).

We will deliver blockchain products and solutions focused on DLTs and smart contracts for clients who have either used or are considering blockchain technology and:

  • Have a business challenge that blockchain can solve
  • Have a business challenge but are unclear what the benefits of blockchain are or how the technology can support them.

Quant Token (QNT)

The tokens will be dual-purposed

  • Used for the token offering,
  • As an access token to connect and access the Quant network
  • Token keys will be embedded within specific applications that will use the Quant network to authenticate the user and authorise the use of aspects of the network and underlying blockchains

Three levels of caps and we link them to three different milestones of business development (see Figure 4) which the company commits to achieve if the corresponding cap will be reached:

  • Soft Cap. 23.467 Million QNT tokens (16 Million for sale and 7.467 Million not for sale). Overledger platform plus connectors to different DLTs (apart from Ethereum and Bitcoin)
  • Mid Cap. 35.750 Million QNT tokens (24.375 Million for sale and 11.375 Million not for sale). Quant App Store plus Middleware and SaaS MApps
  • Hard Cap. 45.467 Million QNT tokens (31 Million for sale and 14.467 Million not for sale). Enterprise MApps plus Treaty contracts.

Total amount of the QNT that will be issued, the 68.19 % will be sold in the market

The remaining 31.81% will be kept by Quant Network, these will be vested for 12 months from the end of the TGE.

  • (43% of the 31.81%) of the total tokens issued by Quant Network will be redistributed between founders, partners, staff members, advisors and service fees for third party providers subject to a twelve-month holding period.
  • 57% of the 31.81%) of the total tokens issued by Quant Network will be used as reserve over the years for operational costs for the development of the Quant ecosystem.


8 Team members:
• (SUPERSTAR) Gilbert- CEO and Co-F CSIO, tenured, experienced in different industries
• (SUPERSTAR) Paolo- Chief Strategist and Co-F- has a strong vision. Executive Director at UCL Centre for Blockchain Technologies (CBT). impressive education and experience, still holding many of the positions/roles currently.
• Collin- CTO and Co-F- background in Information, Cybersecurity and AI.
• Jean-Paul- Chief Architect- 30 yrs industry experience, No Linkedin
• Sassoon- Head of Government Affairs and Public Policy
• Loucineh- Head of Corporate Affiars and Investor Relations- 14 year’s experience across an array of sectors include Pfizer, a well-known research-based biopharmaceutical company.
• Andrew- Lead Developer
• Alun- Community Manager- Market/brand awareness and loyalty focused.

Advisor Team
• Tariq- Financial services regulatory and transactional lawyer turned entrepreneur. An active angel and crypto investor, startup mentor and holding seats on a number of advisory boards. has experience in overseeing industry wide compliance and regulator relations.
• Renier- Skilled assurance and advisory professional with over 19 years’ experience in governance, risk and compliance.
• Volker- Professor
• John- IT field- CIO in Health industry
• (SUPERSTAR) Adriano- Competency areas: Senior tech leadership, program management, machine learning (AI), DLT (blockchain), strategic innovation, game theory, start-up mentoring, solution architecture and project management.
• (SUPERSTAR) Chris- accomplished Entrepreneur, mentor and angel investor with private portfolio of over 50 companies.

Review Conclusion


I believe that this technology is needed in the blockchain space much like it was needed in the early days of computer interworking. They have adopted the correct models OSI and TCP/IP that could allow for MORE extensibility of the current siloed/ disparate blockchain platforms. Also leveraging an SDK and an API (BPI in their terms) will allow for interoperability for both legacy, current, and future blockchain platforms and DApp (MApp) development


They identified several avenues that COULD be a continuous stream of revenue to sustain the company and help drive further research and development

Research Media






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(Cryptodon15) Analyst @LuxeEquity



Crypto Don

Cryptocurrency Technology Analyst @LuxeEquity — If you make others successful you become successful