Azure Holidays
Luxury Villa Holidays
4 min readSep 10, 2014


If you have been on any kind of holiday in your life, you will recognize the familiar territory: one moment you were reclining beside the pool gazing at the sunset and the next one you’re coming off the plane, your mind inadvertently skipping to the host of unanswered emails at work, endless queue of unfinished chores around the house and all those needs of your loved ones unquenched.

You quickly realise it’s the dreaded post-holiday blues that has crept in and is now following you around. Knowing the exact lingo, doesn’t help much – you simply cannot shake off the sinking feeling. You haven’t even dropped off the luggage to your place but it’s clear as the day: you’re already suffocating from the impending stress.

Whether you’re coming from a classic hotel holiday or from a villa holiday – and let’s face it, who wouldn’t end up depressed leaving one of our luxurious villas – it’s more than likely you will have to face the flipside of it. Post-holiday blues now hits as much as 83% of people according to recent polls which means, for starters, you’re not alone.

And yet there’s so many things to alleviate this annoying problem and prevent it from persisting. With our little tips, you will be able to achieve this in no time. Ready?


One of the most fulfilling things you can do to chase away your post-holiday blues is to stay invested in the local culture of your holiday destination.

This could mean enrolling in a Portuguese language course upon returning from Algarve, googling a good recipe for paella and surprising your family or streaming a playlist of your favorite local music artists – the possibilities are out there and you just have to take action.

As a result, you won’t feel so detached from your holiday experience and you will transition nicely back into your routine.


Second to doing things that are connected to your holiday that you love, is doing things that you simply loved before. Don’t fall into the trap of wallowing in self-loathing and break away by thrusting yourself into the activities you usually love. If that’s watching a favorite TV show, great. Same if you really enjoy taking care of your pets. Really fond of fitness activities? Find that gym membership card and get going.

Swiftly occupying yourself with familiar and pleasant things to do will help you forget the painful breakup with your villa girlfriend. There’s simply not a better way to feel better than doing more of what make you happy.


Chances are one of the highlights of your holiday (especially villa holiday) was the overall heightened connection with your surroundings and awareness of coexisting with nature that was awakened in you. Hard to blame you, as nothing really brings you closer to your inner core than getting your senses awash with the sights, sounds and smells of summer in a Mediterranean heaven such as Mallorca or Marbella.

Why would you part with this feeling once you’re back in your grey home town? The weather might be slightly less gorgeous but there’s still plenty of opportunity to feel one with Mother Nature. Plan out a walk as soon as possible, grab a hiking partner, hop on a bike and pedal around a bit or maybe visit a local beach or river. All of it might help you realise that you can feel as good as on your holiday even when you’re no longer there.


Spending time near the sea has the famous effect of clearing up your skin and making you look and feel younger and fresher. Why say goodbye to this feeling once you’re back to your good old life?

Grab that phone and book yourself a nice facial treatment with your neighborhood beautician (don’t go too far – it could be stressful) and/or find a good manicure salon nearby to get your cuticles and nails done. You will continue feeling fresh and ready to take on your everyday challenges.


Although your friends might be ailing from the same post-vacation woes, refrain from having a big pity party. Instead take your friends to a nice bar, or a restaurant, and treat them – and yourself with some nice food and drinks. Gossip away or start planning a trip together somewhere – anything to get your mind off from missing your time at the beach!


Perhaps the most effective way of them all! You will instantly brush away the feeling of loss coming back from holiday. Yes, be bold and book that second holiday straight away!

The sooner you book the fresher your memories of what you enjoyed most and what you’d like to do different next time will be.

In comparison to this one, all the other tips are just palliative care. Nothing beats holiday blues than booking a brand new holiday right away.

What are your favourite ways of beating post-holiday blues? Let us know via our Facebook page or Twitter.

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Azure Holidays
Luxury Villa Holidays

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