The #LWAStaycation Series is the New Normal

Joche Angbazo
Luxury Wellness Africa
3 min readJul 4, 2020
Black woman laying blissfully in bed, white walls, white sheets and day light streaming in through a window
Photo by Leighann Blackwood on Unsplash

The question on everyone’s mind is when will the world get back to normal? To which I say, there is no going back to normal. At least, not completely. We have to prepare and adjust ourselves for the new normal. And that new normal, especially for us in the wellness space, is exciting territory to explore.

The wellness space has really grown over the last decade. Between 2015–2017 wellness tourism grew twice as fast as tourism overall and is projected to continue to grow even faster through 2022, according to the Global Wellness Institute. We cherish our trips to Bali and Mauritius for the opportunity to experience new cultures and practice our grounding techniques in new environments, free from the regular distractions in our day-to-day lives. But the fact of the matter is that travel restrictions, and personal sentiment, won’t allow for the same level of travel for the foreseeable future. Even when we are given the green light to getaway, international tourism businesses will have to be very thoughtful about how they assure the health safety of their typical audience.

That’s my industry perspective, but from the perspective of someone who is also working on their personal wellness journey, and supporting that of others online, the lack of travel is actually a blessing in disguise. Because now we can go back to the core of personal wellbeing which starts with looking within.

Self-care is building a life you don’t need to escape from. — Briana Wiest, Writer & Poet

Now that we literally can’t escape to anywhere, there is no better time to start injecting the aspects of those getaway trips we all love into our daily routine.

That’s why I want to start the #LWAStaycation series. I love seeing how so many people are using this lockdown period to pour into themselves by discovering mental wellness, self-care, and holistic health practices that feed their mind, body, and soul. Let’s face it, to say 2020 has been more unpredictable and rough on our mental health than usual would be an understatement. So it’s great to see people actively doing the work to protect their energy and raise their vibration.

Photo by Leighann Blackwood on Unsplash

So what is a staycation? Lexico defines staycation as a holiday spent in one’s home country rather than abroad, or spent at home, involving day trips to local attractions. But with COVID-19, we’re taking this even further to emphasize time spent at home, and social distancing approved places, as well.

The Staycation Series is meant to give you a glimpse into how I, and other people, have been spending their self-care days at home. Every week, I will share different practices, products, routines, and other resources that can elevate your personal days, so you feel fully supported in your at-home wellness journey. Not everyone has a spa like bathtub in their home or easy access to a tropical beach, but with the right intention and creativity, everyone has the ability to have a deeply relaxing and uplifting experience from anywhere in the world during this lockdown.

And even as lockdown restrictions begin to ease up, there are still ways we can extend the staycation experience from beyond our homes into our local communities, safely. We don’t have to travel beyond our borders, or break the bank, to have an enriching self-care day.

I can’t wait until the day when we can go on retreats and interact with people on a more intimate level like we used to. But until then, I am so excited about the endless possibilities to take my self-care days to the next level and I hope you are too.

This is the new normal.



Joche Angbazo
Luxury Wellness Africa

Using my words to paint a world I believe in. You are capable and deserving of so much more! — Self-care | Wellness | Lifestyle