6 Things You Should Know That Separate The Men From The Boys

Max Langdon
Luxy — Upscale Dating App
5 min readMar 30, 2021

Being a man isn’t just about crossing a certain age or looking a certain way. It’s a lot more. The transition from boyhood to manhood doesn’t happen automatically or overnight. Experiences, relationships, and challenges faced along the way shape each of us into unique individuals. And all of these factors help a boy turn into a man. So what are some things that separate the man from the boys? It’s a question that’s been asked since time immemorial.

Here are 6 things that separate the man from the boys:

1. Men aren’t afraid to admit it if they are wrong. Boys are scared to be wrong.

Perhaps it’s the immaturity but boys fear being wrong about things. However, real men realize that if they’re wrong, admitting is the manly thing to do. They know that mistakes can be like gifts, they can gain so much knowledge from the mistakes, and all it takes is the willingness to learn from them. The only way to learn or grow, is to be wrong. Only when you are wrong you absorb new information, change your stance, and subsequently become “right.” Without the ability to admit a mistake, there will be no lessons to take from it, then you can’t grow up to be a real man.

2. Men look after women. Boys go after them.

While women for boys might seem like mere objects of affection, men treat them right and give them the care they deserve. Boys like to chase women, and they want to show off that they’ve had a lot of women. Men don’t chase women. They look out for, respect and protect any woman. They treat women with the same respect as they would treat their mothers.

What’s more, a boy often craves attention and demands some respect because he feels entitled. A man doesn’t need attention 24/7, and he willingly gives his respect to you.

3. Men take responsibility. Boys run away from it.

Men have a lot of pressure on them these days and let’s face it, they don’t always get it right. Being a man means owning up to your mistakes and taking responsibility for your actions, even if you are in the wrong. Boys, however, tend to make excuses rather than take responsibility- they run away from their problems instead of facing them. Whether it’s a problem pertaining to work, relationships, or friends, if there is a serious issue, a boy will run from it. Men face issues head-on; if there is a problem in any aspect of their life, they want to solve problem and figure out the best way to deal with it without running away.

4. Men’s words are backed by their actions while boys don’t

The main difference between men and boys is the promises they make. A boy is usually a person of words and not of actions. He will promise you the world but he will rarely stick to his words. On the contrary, a true man will always back up his words with real action. He knows that actions always speak louder than words, so he doesn’t use empty phrases and promises to win you over. A real man would be ashamed if his actions didn’t match his words since he would be mature enough to stick to his principles, while a boy doesn’t have any problem with that.

Remember — actions prove who someone is while words just prove who that person wants to be.

5. Men know what they want and what they want to be. Boys have no idea about the future.

Men who are truly men have a clear vision of what they want for their future. They know what they want in a partner, career, and in life in general. Men reflect on their values and morals, and what kind of person they want to be. This includes what kind of partner, father, employee and friend they are and how that matches what they want. Men have put thought into their values and lead lives that reflect them. When choosing a life partner, they know how important it is to live with a high-quality partner, so they choose wisely and carefully. An efficient way to find a partner is to sign up on a high-quality platform: Luxy- exclusive dating. While boys just hook up on Tinder, and they aren’t sure about their moral compass just yet and don’t steer their life with such intention.

6. Men are not afraid to express their feelings. Boys present to be tough as a rock.

A real man doesn’t hide his feelings and intentions. He is not afraid to be gentle or afraid to be sad. He is in touch with his emotions and is able to express them. When a real man loves you, he will never have trouble verbalizing it and showing it to you. He doesn’t have any problem opening up to you and showing you his vulnerable side because he is certain of his masculinity. But boys are different. A boy will always try to present himself as a ‘tough guy’ and he’ll rarely show his true feelings, thinking it will affect his masculinity.

You cannot become a man until you learn from them and use them to your advantage; that is how you grow. Just remember these 6 things that separates the men from the boys, try to set up your own principles and goals and tick to them to be a real man. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, always remember to respect women, take your responsibility, take actions, know your goals and express yourself.

Be considerate of your future, work for it, fight for it, respect what it brings you, and stay humble. You will eventually become a real man.

