The Power of Home Design: Maximizing Space and Style

Five Golden Rules of Smart Design

9 min readJul 25, 2023


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Your home is a reflection of your style and personality, but sometimes, the wrong design choices can make it feel overwhelming and cramped. In this article, we explore the key factors that contribute to a house looking tiny and how you can transform it into a spacious and stylish sanctuary through smart design decisions. Let’s dive in!

Design Golden Rule #1: Don’t forget the space

An effective color palette is crucial in achieving an inviting and spacious environment. The use of inappropriate colors, such as dark colors or an excessive mix of colors, can give a cramped and suffocating feel to a space. To prevent this, it’s important to carefully choose colors that complement each other and work well with the lighting of the space. This can be achieved by considering the color wheel, utilizing accent walls, and incorporating natural light sources. With a well-planned color palette, you can create a space that is open, inviting, and comfortable for everyone who uses it. We will discuss it also later.

Having too many decorations in your home can be also overwhelming. However, it is important to also consider the impact of not having enough decorations in your living space. A sparsely decorated environment can feel cold and uninviting, lacking personality and warmth. It is all about finding the right balance and choosing decorations that reflect your personal style and taste, while also creating a cohesive and harmonious atmosphere in your home. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully select decorations that will not only add visual interest but also serve a functional purpose in your living space, such as providing additional storage or serving as a focal point for a room. By thoughtfully curating your decorations, you can create a space that not only looks great but also feels comfortable and welcoming.

Having your living space divided into multiple small rooms can create a feeling of being closed-in, especially in the kitchen and dining area. However, there are several ways to make the most out of this type of setup while still being able to enjoy the benefits of having separate rooms. For instance, you can add unique designs to each room to create a sense of individuality and purpose. Additionally, by using open shelves and glass cabinets, you can create the illusion of a larger space while still maintaining the separation of the rooms. Finally, using light and neutral colors can help to brighten up the space and make it feel more open, while still preserving the privacy and functionality of each individual room.

Design Golden Rule #2: Your customer doesn’t know

You have to know. One way to make a space appear larger is by using light and bright colors. These colors have a way of opening up a room and making it feel more spacious. In addition to their space-enhancing properties, light and bright colors can also create a more cheerful and uplifting atmosphere. When choosing colors for your space, consider shades of white, beige, light blue, or light yellow. These hues can help to create a sense of airiness and openness that will make your space feel more inviting and comfortable.

Recommended palettes for small interior design

When choosing the flooring for a room, it’s important to take into consideration how it will impact the overall feeling of the space. While dark flooring can add a sense of sophistication and elegance, it can also have the unintended effect of making a room feel more enclosed and smaller than it actually is. To avoid this, it may be worth considering lighter flooring options, such as light-colored hardwoods or vinyl planks. Not only will this help to create a more open and spacious feel, but it can also help to brighten up the space and make it feel more inviting. Additionally, lighter flooring options can be a great choice for rooms that receive less natural light, as they can help to reflect light and make the space feel brighter and more cheerful. By choosing the right flooring for your space, you can create a welcoming and functional environment that you’ll love spending time in.

The direction in which you lay the floor can affect how big or small a room looks. For example, parallel floorboards make a space look longer, while perpendicular ones make it look wider. A diagonal is not the only solution. Consider the size and shape of the room, as well as how much natural light it gets, when picking a floor layout. Choosing the right direction can make your space look great and feel more comfortable.

One way to create a welcoming and homey atmosphere in your living space is by embracing the use of natural materials. You can incorporate materials such as wood, stone, and plants that complement the style of your home. For example, if you have a modern minimalist interior, you can add wooden accent pieces or a natural stone feature wall to create a harmonious and organic ambiance. Not only do natural materials add an element of warmth and texture to your home, but they also have a positive impact on your overall well-being and mood.

Introducing greenery to your interior decor can be a simple yet effective way to enhance your living space. Plants can add a touch of nature and create a sense of calmness and tranquility in your home. Not only do they improve the air quality by removing toxins and increasing humidity levels, but they also reduce noise levels by absorbing sound. Furthermore, plants can visually expand a room and create a sense of spaciousness, making your home feel more inviting and comfortable. Whether you opt for small succulents or larger plants, adding greenery to your home can truly make a difference in the overall ambiance and atmosphere.

When it comes to designing a space, it is important to stick to one style. Mixing too many design styles within one space can result in a chaotic and unbalanced environment. In order to create a cohesive and well-designed space, it is best to choose one style and stick with it throughout the entire space. This can help to create a sense of harmony and balance, while also allowing you to highlight specific design elements and features. Additionally, choosing one style can help to simplify the design process, making it easier to select furniture, decor, and other design elements that fit within the chosen style. By sticking to one style, you can create a space that is both visually pleasing and functional, while also reflecting your personal style and design preferences.

Embracing open space is an excellent way to make small apartments appear more spacious and inviting. One way to achieve this is by removing walls or doors between the kitchen and dining area, creating an open, airy kitchenette that allows for more natural light to enter the space. Additionally, you may consider adding mirrors to your walls to make your apartment feel larger. You can also use light-colored furniture and decor to create an illusion of more space. Finally, adding indoor plants and greenery is an ideal way to bring life, freshness, and vibrancy to your apartment and make it feel more welcoming and comfortable.

Design Golden Rule #3: Mies van der Rohe approach

One way to approach design is to take inspiration from the philosophy of modernism, which is characterized by its “less is more” approach. This principle was advocated by Mies van der Rohe, who believed that simplicity and minimalism were key to creating beautiful and functional designs. By focusing on the essentials and eliminating unnecessary elements, modernist designers aimed to create objects that were both aesthetically pleasing and practical. The modernist movement had a significant impact on the world of design, and its influence can still be seen today in many contemporary designs.

To keep this rule alive, let’s dive in: simplify your space, opt for clean lines, minimize clutter, and choose functional furniture to maximize space.

Design Golden Rule #4: You can move in the darkness but it’s better in Light

To create a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere in your home, it’s important to focus on lighting. Sufficient lighting can make a space feel more open and cozy. There are several methods to achieve this, including incorporating natural light during the home design phase and adjusting the lighting arrangement in the property. Consider the flow of light through the home at different times of day to create optimal angles for light to shine through the roof or natural windows. Fill the space with natural and artificial light to brighten every corner and eliminate dark, shadowy areas.

Adding additional light fixtures, using brighter bulbs, or incorporating natural light sources such as windows or skylights can make a big difference in the overall feel of your home. Additionally, choosing the right type of lighting for each room can have a significant impact. For example, softer lighting may be more appropriate for a bedroom or living room, while brighter lighting may be better suited for a kitchen or workspace. By carefully considering your lighting options, you can transform your home into a welcoming and comfortable space for yourself and your guests.

To create a cozy and warm ambiance, especially during the nightlife, it is recommended to utilize wall lighting. This can be achieved with soft, warm-toned bulbs that cast a gentle glow on the walls. For even more visual expansion, consider adding ceiling lighting that bounces off the walls and illuminates the entire room. This can give the illusion of higher ceilings and a more spacious environment. Lastly, floor lighting can be used to highlight specific areas of the room and add depth to the overall design. By incorporating these different types of lighting, you can create a welcoming atmosphere that visually expands the space.

Design Golden Rule #5: You don’t know what you don’t know

While it may be tempting to rely solely on AI for design work, it’s important to remember that field experts, like professional designers, bring a level of creativity and expertise that cannot be replicated by machines. For example, it took The Beatles approximately 300,000 hours of practice and dedication to master their craft, something that could not have been achieved through technology alone.

Hiring an architect is not only a wise investment, but also a crucial step in making sure that your dream home becomes a reality. Architects bring a wealth of expertise and creativity to the table, not just in designing a home that optimizes space and showcases your unique style, but also in making sure that the final product is structurally sound and functional. With their knowledge of building codes and regulations, architects are able to navigate the complex world of construction and ensure that your home is built to last. Additionally, architects can offer insights and ideas that you may not have considered, such as incorporating sustainable design elements that reduce your environmental footprint and save you money in the long run. All in all, hiring an architect can help ensure that your home is not only beautiful, but also safe, functional, and sustainable.

Don’t worry if they don’t, but a few of them are already using AI to design even better spaces for you.


Incorporating smart design choices can transform your home into a beautiful and functional space, as recommended by famous architects Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier. At the end let us share with you a funny story about them joking together one day:

  • Le Corbusier: “Form follows function, but how do we add a touch of style?”
  • Frank Lloyd Wright: “Well, why don’t you hire a professional designer then?” 😀

In all seriousness, incorporating smart design choices can transform your home into a beautiful and functional space that all will love to live in.

In LVNG, we are building homes for future living, balancing between cost and sustainable homes for our families and friends.


Disclaimer — to be fair: We use AI to support us in building homes and writing our articles. We know what AI is useful as well as what AI is useless for.

