2019–02–12 Park Police Station Community Meeting

League of Women Voters of San Francisco Observer Corps Report

Julia Fasick
LWVSF Observer Corps
2 min readJun 9, 2019


Observer name(s): Julia Fasick

Location: Park Police Station

What meeting did you attend (name of the body, whether it was a regular or special meeting, etc)?

Park District, Regularly Scheduled Community Meeting

Did you attend the whole meeting?


Tell us about public input: Did it happen? How was it conducted? Did it seem adequate?

The meeting was run by Captain Bailey who did ask members of the community if they had any comments or suggestions.

Tell us about the government: Who was there? Were they attentive? Were they prepared? Were they courteous with each other and the public?

Captain Bailey ran the meeting, several of her officers were also in attendance. There were also visitors from the Dept. of Police Accountability (https://sfgov.org/dpa) and a representative from Supervisor Mandelman’s office.

The meeting agenda and supporting materials were both presented as slides and available as hard copies. The meeting was run in a polite and courteous manner and everyone who wanted to speak was given time to do so.

Want to tell us anything else (about the process used, the content of the meeting, decisions made, adherence to laws and regulations, etc)?

Captain Bailey reviewed the district crime statistics from the previous month. An officer focused on the homeless described his daily activities and concerns. That stimulated a larger discussion in the group around homelessness.

The representative from the Department of Police Accountability described the role of their office and provided materials for anyone interested in learning more about or in providing feedback.

The meeting both ended and started on time.

