2019–05–08 San Francisco Police Commission Meeting

Jennifer Wong
LWVSF Observer Corps
2 min readMay 16, 2019

General Member of the Public Report

Observer name(s): Jennifer Wong

Location: City Hall, Room 400

What meeting did you attend (name of the body, whether it was a regular or special meeting, etc)?

San Francisco Police Commission, regular.


Minutes are not yet available, but will be posted here.

Supporting documents.

Did you attend the whole meeting?

From the beginning until the Closed Session.

Tell us about public input: Did it happen? How was it conducted? Did it seem adequate?

Yes. It happened for agenda item 5 (Discussion and possible action on the release of certain police officer records pursuant to Senate Bill 1421 that would apply to the Police Commission, Police Department, and Department of Police Accountability), after agenda items 3a-3d (Chief’s Report and DPA Director’s Report) were completed, as part of agenda item 6 (General Public Comment), and no comments were made but was open for public comment after agenda item 7 (Public comment on all matters pertaining to Item 9 below, Closed Session, including public comment on Item 8, vote whether to hold Item 9 in closed session.). Each speaker was given 2 minutes to speak and that seemed adequate. About two people spoke after agenda item 5, six people after agenda items 3a-3d, and one after agenda item 7.

Tell us about the government: Who was there? Were they attentive? Were they prepared? Were they courteous with each other and the public?

All of the commissioners, Paul Henderson, Executive Director of the Dept. of Police Accountability (DPA), and Police Chief William Scott, Police Cmd. Bob Moser, Sgt. Maura Pengel, and Sgt. Art Howard. They were attentive, prepared, and mostly courteous. There was a bit of heated discussion around agenda items 3a, 3b, and 5.

Want to tell us anything else (about the process used, the content of the meeting, decisions made, adherence to laws and regulations, etc)?

It was concluded that agenda item 5 would be revisited for both public comment, presentations, and to give police fair warning about this discussion. Item 4 will be discussed after the commission is presented with an MOU. There is concern over the fact that DPA has only published one report this year.



Jennifer Wong
LWVSF Observer Corps

Civil to Software Engineer. Conference speaker. Creator of SF 💩 Map. LWVSF Board & Observer Corps. SF born & raised. Loves food & sleep. Unhindered Ruiner.