2019–07–10 Police Commission Meeting

Jennifer Wong
LWVSF Observer Corps
2 min readAug 9, 2019

League of Women Voters of San Francisco Observer Corps Report

Official League Observer name(s): Jennifer Wong

Location: City Hall, Room 400

What meeting did you attend (name of the body, whether it was a regular or special meeting, etc)?

San Francisco Police Commission, regular.



Supporting documents.

Did you attend the whole meeting?

No. They went into closed session and I left at that time.

Tell us about public input: Did it happen? How was it conducted? Did it seem adequate?

Yes. Much of the public comment occurred after Agenda Item 3 and related to the police shooting of Luis Gongora Pat. It seemed adequate and everyone was allowed to speak.

Tell us about the government: Who was there? Were they attentive? Were they prepared? Were they courteous with each other and the public?

All of the Police Commission were in attendance except Commissioner Hamasaki and Commissioner Brookter. Department of Police Accountability (DPA) Director Paul Henderson and Police Chief William Scott were also present. Additionally, Deputy Chief of Investigations Greg McCracken, Captain Sergio Chin, John Sanchez discussed Collection and Analysis of Sexual Assault Kit Evidence and Reporting of Results.

The government representatives were overall prepared, but it was announced last minute during the meeting that Agenda Item 4 regarding SB-1421 would not be addressed. Comm. DeJesus recommended it be agendized ASAP.

President Hirsch was a bit snippy with the public for commenting about Luis Gongora Pat after Agenda Item 3 instead of during general public comment.

One of the SF Sheriff Deputies present was disrespectful and audibly scoffed at some of this public comment. He and some members of the public had a verbal confrontation about shouting over Pres. Hirsch.

Want to tell us anything else (about the process used, the content of the meeting, decisions made, adherence to laws and regulations, etc)?

Comm. Mazzucco and Comm. Elias chaired the meeting on SB-1421. It was announced at the beginning of the meeting that the commission was skipping Agenda Item 4 addressing SB-1421 until the Working Group can meet again, to the displeasure of members of the public. The Working Group will be meeting again August 5, 1pm, agenda.

The Police Commission is not meeting for the rest of July through beginning of August. The next meeting is scheduled for August 7, 2019.

Comm. DeJesus suggested having community members sit in and advise the Fire Arms Discharge Review Board.



Jennifer Wong
LWVSF Observer Corps

Civil to Software Engineer. Conference speaker. Creator of SF 💩 Map. LWVSF Board & Observer Corps. SF born & raised. Loves food & sleep. Unhindered Ruiner.