4/12: Scenario Ideas

Caroline Song
Financial Security
Published in
4 min readApr 13, 2021

What are our scenario ideas for our learning experience? Illustrate and Describe. What role is form — textual, visual, aural, temporal, tactile, etc. — playing in our ideas?

Scenario Idea

At this point, our group has started to settle on where in the learning framework we want to focus in on.

In the image above, our group started to lean toward focusing on the process of a learner going through a short term goal, as well as how that fits into the greater learning and feedback cycle. In other words, we plan to focus in on a single ‘chapter’ of our learning game, and the larger context in which it fits into the rest of the game.

We settled down on one main idea, the questions

Fleshing Out the Content

There are five main components that make up our game system:

To go into more depth, we created a diagram to showcase the general flow of our learning experience:

Some things to point out:

The path a learner takes is based on their decisions, which leads to them experiencing different chapters in different orders

Some of the notable features throughout the game include:

  1. Credit Score: Points for learners’ gameplay
  2. Optional vs. Required pop-up life events: Random life events will pop up once in a while. They can be an optional choice: do you want to switch your job or a required event: A pipe in your apartment just burst, you must pay to fix it!
  3. Parent Consulting: A summary of learning points after each chapter, given through parents. Can also get hints / advice from parents on certain decisions that learners must make throughout the game.


To begin, the learner will graduate high school, where they will be gifted their first credit card and some money from their parents. This will also be an overview of what to expect during the game, otherwise known as the onboarding process.

Throughout the game will be decisions that the learner can make, leading them into different paths.

Decisions will lead to certain chapters, where the bulk of the content and learning will take place.

Here is a look into a specific chapter, the Apartment Chapter. For every module, learners will first be prompted to take a pretest, where they can show their knowledge of the subject. Learners may choose to answer or not answer as many questions as they want. The more questions they can answer will lead to a more positive impact on their credit score.

Then, the content will be revealed, where the learning takes place. Here, the apartment chapter shows all the things that someone should take into account while looking for an apartment, as well as the general process of renting one.

Next, application in the form of gameplay. Learners can pick an apartment to live in, using their knowledge from the learning content before.

Later in the game, we’ll revisit the apartment chapter through these random events, allow learner to refresh memory and see how much they remember

Finally, the end will be a reveal of the learner’s final retirement. The greater picture of all these decisions will be revealed at the end of the game, where the learner can gain feedback on their decision making.


Our group plans to use visual form as a way to communicate our learning objectives and teach our targeted learners important financial skills. This will be visually created in a digital form. Whether that will be a web format or a mobile is yet to be determined.

We also believe it will be interesting to think about aural form in our idea, what role will sound play? Perhaps an affirming one? And what kinds of sounds will be included?

We also hope to have the time to incorporate some sort of tactile form through allowing our learning experience to expand somehow through physical objects that would supplement and create a more collaborative aspect in our primarily digital / independent form.



Caroline Song
Financial Security

Communications Designer @cmudesign. Learning how to bridge people together through art, writing + visual design. carolinesong.com