Interaction Refinement

Jiasi Tan
LXD Group Process Overview
2 min readApr 17, 2019


After class, Elva and I met to discuss how to design specific key interactions that would capture user input in an engaging and intuitive way. We also discussed how to encourage people to keep tracking and show them the progress effectively. Topics we discussed include:

  • Other than some common methods of visualization are there any other ways to communicate information in a more intuitive way?
  • We brainstormed different ways of visualizing how to visually represent the meals and diet, and do the meals meet doctor’s instructions?
  • Should we use Pie charts for providing feedback about nutrition and calories?
  • How to visualize different phases and goals? Using a calender view maybe not a good way since different patients may have different schedules.
  • How to minimize patients’ effort while meantime they achieve their goals within certain interactions.
  • There are certain interactions we’re still not sure about the way to design, we’re currently thinking doing multiple versions so we can get feedback from other people.
  • Moving forward, we also need to think about what are the key screens we want to develop with more details — we won’t be able to have fully designed screens for every experience, some of them are similar. We will need to choose the most representative screens and the most important screens to develop.
Sketches of visualization

