Filling the knowledge gap

Amanda Johnson
LXD Spring 2017
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2017

Like starting any new project, there tends to be some fuzzyness in the beginning, especially for novices. That is how I felt at the beginning of this class. Our clients have provided us with two different design prompts and having limited knowledge in the domain, it was hard figuring out a place to start. At the beginning of today’s class Stacie led us through an excersise that really targeted “what we know?” and “what problem exists?” AND “what we need to address?” and “what are the research questions?”. Applying this framework to our promts allowed us to really start thinking of the entry point to our design ideas and research.

Filling the knowledge gap

The second portion of class we talked about the readings for the week. The readings dealt with how we organize knowledge and how our brain processes and stores memories. One important concept was thinking of mental models and maps. We were asked to draw our model of CMU in relationship it Pittsburgh, the Pittsburgh airport, and the school of design. It was interesting to see the different ways people visualized each scenario, and to see the diversity and similarity in representations. Below are some of the drawings.

Drawing mental models

