Kafka Consumer Group Rebalance (1 of 2)

Rob Golder
Lydtech Consulting
Published in
8 min readApr 23, 2022


Kafka Consumer Group Rebalance (1 of 2)

Consumer groups are an important characteristic of Kafka’s distributed message processing for managing consumers and facilitating the ability to scale up applications. They group together consumers for any one topic, and the partitions within the topic are assigned across these consumers. Consumer group rebalance can be triggered by a number of factors as the participants of the group change, which leads to the reassignment of partitions across the consumers. During a rebalance message processing is paused, impacting throughput.

This is the first of a two part article that details the behaviour of consumer group rebalance with the Apache Java client. While many of the concepts are the same across different client libraries, there are also differences in terms of configuration options, rebalance behaviour, and supported rebalance strategies and features.

In this first part of the article the role of consumer groups, the consumer group rebalance, and the triggers that cause rebalances are covered. The configurations that impact both the duration of the rebalance and when a rebalance is triggered are detailed. In the second part the impact on the application’s message processing during the rebalance is covered along with the rebalance strategies that can be applied. The options to reduce unnecessary rebalances and to mitigate the impacts of rebalances…

