Scientists Deserve Frontline Status Too

Karin Hehenberger, MD, PhD
Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2020
Photo credit: @ptankilevitch

The COVID-19 crisis has brought out the best in people, but also some of the worst. I hear people speaking with great skepticism about the development of vaccines and treatments that are progressing at the fastest pace ever right now.

My personal background is based on medical science and I believe in understanding problems deeply before addressing them to develop solutions. I am also very practical in my science approach; the solutions aspect is key to impacting people’s lives and that is what is critical to me.

As scientists all over the world are working toward vaccines and better treatments for patients, I want to take a step back and applaud them equally much as the frontline workers who deal with the sick patients on a daily basis. Spending time in a laboratory and never giving up on the pursuit of real solutions, that are tested through rigorous preclinical and clinical trials, is many times a lonely and tiring job. I started my career as a PhD scientist with a medical degree, and I know the competition, the discipline and the enormous attention to detail that go with the job.

Now is the time to support these individuals, to cheer them on and to encourage them to work even harder and more collaboratively. Teamwork in science, across geographies, cultures and racial differences, has always been the practice that succeeds when moonshot ideas are being pursued.

Now is not the time to question the men and women who study mechanisms, read up on the literature, and who eventually develop products that will be used so that we can protect the vulnerable and the sick.

Science and common sense are north stars in our fight against COVID-19. While we are waiting for a vaccine, as well as the tools to manufacture and distribute those shots, we need to stay vigilant and follow public health guidance including wearing masks, washing our hands and staying at least 6 feet apart to delay and even prevent the spread of this disease.

Together we are stronger, and today we need to applaud science and those who dedicate their lives to develop new solutions more than ever.



Karin Hehenberger, MD, PhD

Founder & CEO, Lyfebulb- Our mission is to reduce the burden of chronic disease through the power of the patient.