Enjoy a Good Book | Ways to NjoyPeace

Make Time to Crack Open a Book

Holding a tangible book in your hand can promote a sense of relaxation

Glorious Raine
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2022


There is something to be said about the feel of a physical/tangible book in your hands. Feeling the texture of the material the book is made from can open the door to the sense of touch. Rubbing your hands over the cover whether it is glossy, matte, or raised/embossed can heighten that sense of touch and spark a bit of nostalgia for the time when holding a book in your hand was the only way to read one.

Holding a tangible book in your hand can also promote a sense of relaxation. This has been my experience at least. I do not take the time as often as I should to sit and read a tangible book anymore as life has become a constant moving piece that makes it hard to find the time to just sit and read; but when I do a feeling of calm comes over me. I realized that this is because I do not have the distraction of notifications coming in from email or text messages or do not have the temptation to explore the internet for a minute; it is just me and the book in my hand which allows me to enjoy the moment.

Don’t get me wrong I do enjoy using my kindle to read from time to time but I have found that some books are worthy of being purchased in tangible form and that eliminating the distractions that come from electronic devices can aid in relaxing the body and mind. That in itself can provide a more mindful moment of clarity and a deeper understanding of or enjoyment for what you are reading.

Take a moment and think about how long it has been since you have held a book in your hands. If it has been a while since you have curled up with an actual book make it a point to add doing so to your “To Do List” under the category of: “Me Time”, “Bliss Time”, “Relaxful Moment” or under any other title that will help you make “Cracking Open a Book” a recurring activity during your down time. For instance, I created a “2022 Productivity Banner” (NOT a “list of goals”) that I turned into a picture for my desktop so that I will see it daily, and one of the categories that I created is a “Reading Log”. This log consists of a list of books, a magazine and yes, a specified amount of weekly Medium articles to read. Both the books and magazine are in tangible not digital form and have a desired (not set in stone) date of completion. I added the reading log to my productivity banner because I knew that I needed to begin reading more and already owned several books that I have not finished and I wanted to change that reality this year.

I have to say it has been refreshing and a relaxing moment of Bliss the few times that I sat down to read a chapter or two in the book that I am currently reading. You may also experience that same feeling so take a moment and find that comfortable space to open a tangible book to read. You never know it may become another way to “Create Your Own Bliss”. Work on incorporating it into your lifestyle; you never know you may find that you actually finish that book you started a long time ago.

Enjoy the read! Enjoy the Flow! Enjoy the Bliss! NjoyPeace!

