Celebrating Kwanzaa 2022

Kwanzaa Principle #7: Imani

Imani Means: Faith

Glorious Raine
Published in
4 min readJan 1, 2023


Mini Canvas Painting of the symbols that represent the 7 Principles of Kwanzaa, by Lorraine J. LYLT Expressions

Heriza Kwanzaa! (Happy Kwanzaa) & Happy New Year to you! It is hard to believe that 2022 is gone and that we are already rolling into a new year, but here we are! Currently, in this very moment (if you are reading this on January 1st) moving through the first day of 2023 which also happens to be the last day of Kwanzaa.

Principle #7 Imani (Faith) closes out the Kwanzaa celebration. When I decided to write this series and share my interpretation of the concepts of Kwanzaa it was to shed light on a dying holiday. I wanted to revive the spirit of Kwanzaa in the hope that it touches your heart in one way or another and that there is something within it that stays with you as you move through 2023.

Imani is represented by the ancient Egyptian double symbol of the ankh (life) and djed pillar (stability, endurance) as seen in the picture below they serve as a symbol of steadfastness in commitment to the good, and beautiful in life. Imani is about believing wholeheartedly in the people in our personal lives IE: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles or friends to name a few.

