Is Speed Walking good for you?

Lympo Blog
Published in
5 min readJul 25, 2019

Walking is part of your daily routine.

Adopting this habit was the best thing you did in your life.

Your minimal fitness workout is achieved. You feel more relaxed and positive. It’s a little moment of freedom to think about anything you want.

It’s also good for your mood and for your peers around.

But a question comes to your mind.

Is there something else?

Should I go for the next level?

What if walking faster brings me even more benefits?

Let me introduce you to Speed Walking.

Or Fast Walking

Or Brisk Walking

Or Power Walking

However you call it, the goal is to walk at a faster pace than you usually do.

So, it’s the same as running?

No, it’s still walking as long as that one foot stays in contact with the ground.

How fast should you walk?

Not too fast.

You don’t want to look like you rush to the lavatory.

Race Walkers do it because they want to be the best in their discipline.

The average human walking speed is 3.1mph.

You reach Speed walking when your speed exceeds 4.0mph.

It’s just the norm.

It depends on your fitness level and your anatomy.

I’ll tell you the trick to adapt your speed properly.

Push harder than you usually do and trust your natural sensors.

  • Your breathing accelerates, but you’re not out of breath.
  • You develop a light sweat.
  • You can carry on a conversation, but you can’t sing.

After 5 minutes, if you feel good, keep the pace.

If it’s too hard, adjusts. Until it’s more comfortable.

Pretty easy, right?

Technology can also help you to reach adequate speed. Walk tracking app or GPS fitness monitor will tell your live speed and record your performance.

You can now adapt your pace and follow your improvement.

Unless smartphones and wearables are too expensive for you?

I’ll give you a workaround.

You can calculate your speed before or after your workout.

Here is a free walking speed calculator that you can use.

Don’t thank me, it’s a gift.

What are the benefits of Speed Walking?

Walking brings many benefits to your health.

Speed walking will push your body to a moderate-aerobic activity.

Which leads to even better benefits.

  • Increase your heart rate for a cardio workout
  • Burn more calories
  • Enhance your muscles flexibility and strengthens your joints.
  • Reach longer distance in the same period of time.
  • Lower the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by 45%
  • Decrease the bad Cholesterol and increase the good one.
  • Manage blood pressure while preventing type 2 diabetes.


You only get these benefits when Speed Walking is part of your daily habits.

Oh yeah, feels good now.

Walking vs Running

You will finally know the answer!

The National University of Milwaukee ran an experiment with 3000 people to know if walking or running was best.

For a period of 2 years, half of the participants were walking and the other half were running.

What were the results?


This experiment doesn’t exist.

You cannot compare pears and apples, right?

Running will definitely increase your strength and performance.

It doesn’t mean that you have to choose that option.

It depends on your objectives.

But I wanna tell you something you must know.

There is an efficiency point.

Walking or running at 4.5mph will provide the same benefits.

Without exerting 12 times your body weights on your knees.

So, if you have arthritis or knee injuries, Speed Walking might be the best option.

Can you lose more weight by Speed Walking?


The benefits of walking for weight loss are already proven.

Walking faster will make you lose even more calories.

Aim for a 30 to 90 minutes speed walk a day and you should feel the results over weeks.

But I have a busy life, I might miss a day!

It’s totally fine.

Ensure you to keep going on the following days. We all deserve a second chance.

Reaching a moderate-intensity exercise will considerably increase the burnt calories.

This type of exercise allows your body metabolism to burn stored sugar and fat. Which will make you lose from 100 to 300 calories during the first 30 minutes.

You will lose weight faster.

How do I know when I’m doing moderate-intensity exercise?

Let me show you.

Measure your heart rate and stay at 60 to 70% of your maximum pulse.

If you can’t sing but you can talk for a long sentence, you’re on a good way.

Easy, right?

Here is one more thing.

At a faster pace, your body posture and moves will also evolve.

Your back is straight. Your shoulder must be relaxed and backward. Your arms have a 90° angle and you move them back and forth with more energy.

This new body motion prevents muscle loss.

Pretty important when you’re reducing calories in your diet.

Incline Walking

Walking fast is currently not an option for you?

Opt for incline walking.

Walking 1-mile on the concrete or 1-mile along a track on the mountain is way different.

Adding inclines to your walking fosters other muscle activation which results to burn more calories.

It also strengthens these muscles for your daily activities and it improves your dexterity on the ground.

What’s the advantage?

You will get similar health benefits as Speed Walking without rushing.


Now, you’re probably living in a city area without that many hills.

Have a look at your favorite fitness club, they usually have inclined treadmills.


Walking, Speed Walking or Running?

All of them bring health benefits if they are consistently executed.

It’s cheap and accessible. And they are excellent cardiovascular exercises.

Speed walking is a must if you want to spice up your current walking habits or if you want to lose weight quicker.

Some other factor might prevent you from running: Overweight, post-trauma, injuries, etc.

It shouldn’t put a break for being healthy.

Start walking and increase the pace gradually!

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