2017 wasn’t just the year of the Bitcoin, Blockchains are revolutionizing industries as we speak…

Lympo Business Blog
3 min readDec 29, 2017
Lympo could be one of the most important companies on the planet

Jordan Travers, health coach and crypto-investor joined Lympo

Financial markets were taken by storm when the price of Bitcoins started rallying to an all-time high, resulting in a 16x expansion in value. While the news media filled in the gaps about cryptocurrencies and financial commentators shared their opinion, investors were working tediously in the background to understand the mechanics behind the Bitcoin.

The blockchain, a cryptic ledger system, that keeps tab of all transactions that range from data transfer to fitness data analysis became an instant buzzword. Everyone assumed that they knew how the system worked. However, crypto-investors truly found a way to get ahead of the learning curve.

One such investor happens to be the Aussie fitness coach and health instructor, Jordan Travers. Author of the wellness book Man Alive, Mr. Travers recently joined Lympo, a fitness blockchain app. His claim to fame includes his ascendance to millionaire status via the blockchain supported cryptocurrency Ethereum. This marks a growing trend of industries from security and banking to charity and voting that are testing the waters for the effective use of the blockchain technology.

Lympo has made early strides in a similar fashion in the field of health and wellness. It enables people to monitor their fitness activities and sports, track their progress, monetise the data collected from numerous apps and wearables and use that raw data effectively.

As Mr. Travers optimistically points out, Lympo could be “one of the most important companies on the planet.” The app helps generate a health lifestyle ecosystem with the help of LYM tokens that drive the rewards system to help motivate users.

“Lots of people aren’t motivated to be healthy, they’re often motivated for a deeper reason, partly financial and partly to actually understand the connection between health and wealth,” says Mr. Travers. His book accurately points out the four key areas of wellness and fitness, namely the mind, nature, nutrition and movement. Each one of these require strong motivation, something that he admits is lacking in most fitness regimes.

The tangible results that people are often searching for can be found through Lympo and shared with the users through the tokens which will help incentivise them to achieve their goals.

Tracking back to his time spent backpacking in 2013, Mr. Travers explains how he got into the thick of things when it came to blockchain. He says that the answer is quite simply “inequality.”

Witnessing the growing levels of income inequality, he realized how the current banking and monetary system is flawed. His immediate step after this realization and following a talk with a friend, much like many other crypto-investors was to first understand how a Bitcoins could resolve the problem.

The beauty of the blockchain system lies in its simplicity to maintain anonymity and still offer trust through the software it runs on. Every participant in the system is now accountable for the smooth operation of both the Bitcoins and the blockchain, making it a foolproof mechanism.

While the blockchain might not initially strike you as fitness app-worthy, Mr. Travers is buzzing with confidence. “Two parts that I look forward to are the rewards system and the monetization of data, particularly with insurance companies.”

While the myriad calorie counting, sleep cycle detection and every other compliance app collect data that can be extremely useful to help people know how far they’ve progressed, they could be even more valuable to health insurance companies, who could start customizing plans and revising rates depending on what the data has to say. And this still is just the tip of the iceberg.

As Mr. Travers rightly says, “There’s a connection between health and wealth and I’d like to make that connection for people through Lympo.” Maybe it wasn’t the year of Bitcoin after all. Blockchains seem to be getting the attention of all the right people.



Lympo Business Blog

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