Looking Back on a Busy Month for Lympo — October

Lympo Business Blog
5 min readNov 5, 2018

October was a busy month for Lympo with many important developments happening. We want you, our community, to stay updated with all that’s going on at the company, so let’s jump right into it!

Lympo Run U.S. beta launch and user experience improvements

First off, in order to better understand the needs of our users and extend our beta testing playground, we have launched the Lympo Run beta in the U.S. Immediately, we started receiving detailed feedback from all over the world (those VPNs work really well, huh?). We are very grateful for the feedback as it helps us a lot to improve and make the app increasingly better for every user. The Development Team are working very hard to fix bugs, improve tracking and add new features.

One such feature will be the ability to share your achievement after completing a challenge. Activity sharing is currently being tested internally, and once we feel it’s polished enough — each Lympo Run user will get a chance to brag about being active (and, hopefully, inspire others to join them).

We’ve also changed the structure of the challenge feed to make it more organized and neat. And we will be doing more changes to the feed screen to make the user experience even better. For example, the challenge feed will show which challenge is currently being tracked, the number of participants for each challenge and more.

During beta testing, we’ve noticed that some of our users struggled a bit with figuring out how the app works. To help with this process, we are currently implementing an introductory tutorial, guiding the user through completing their first challenge, with a solid LYM reward for their efforts. We believe this measure will help make the process of getting familiar with the app as smooth as possible.

We will also start implementing a highly requested challenge auto-completion feature. Currently, we are planning to offer users the ability to choose to either stop tracking after the challenge distance is covered or to keep tracking. Further down the road, users can expect an option to set this feature to auto-completion even before they begin tracking.

We are aware that winter is coming, and having this in mind, we will begin implementing some new solutions for indoor activity tracking. Many challenges lie ahead, but challenges are where it’s at!

Business development and company news

Our marketing and business development teams were hard at work as well. Our CPO Marius spent almost 3 weeks in the U.S., preparing for the launch. While there, he did extensive networking, met business representatives to discuss the future of current partnerships, did several onsite user interviews and even participated in several outdoor events (public community runs, etc.) to increase awareness of the Lympo Run app among potential users.

During October, we’ve also prepared a detailed marketing campaign for the U.S. hard launch, including new marketing material, such as radio and video ads, one featuring our ambassador — Caroline Wozniacki.

As you may already know, a few days ago we have announced the U.S. hard launch date, which will take place in Dallas, Texas, on November 16. This will be a massive event, featuring our partners, the Dallas Mavericks, and the teams’ owner, businessman and investor — Mark Cuban himself! You can follow the live countdown at Lympo.io.

It’s also important to mention that our beloved CEO Ada Jonuse is temporarily leaving her position as she will soon become a mother. Our former Solution Architect Pat Brown will be taking on the role of an interim CEO and Ada’s responsibilities will be also partially taken over by CSO Tadas Maurukas. Ada will, of course, be staying with the company throughout the period in an advisory capacity. See a video of Ada announcing the news here.

We are very excited about our crypto token — LYM — being listed on one of the biggest Korean exchanges — Coinzest. In partnership with Coinzest, we have also launched a special holder’s contest with some amazing prizes. Read more about it here.

In the upcoming months, we will be mainly focusing on delivering the best possible experience for our U.S. users, continuously stabilizing and improving the app and, of course, on our business operations, with many exciting news to come.

Bonus: some frequently asked questions regarding Lympo Run

We have received numerous repeating questions regarding our app, so we’ve decided to answer them in this same article, so you could better understand what Lympo Run is about.

Q: Can I track several activities at once and can I do them in several sessions?

A: You can track only one activity at the same time, but you can do that in as many goes as you like. Fun fact: the single longest recorded activity lasted 5+ hours with more than 20 km (12+ miles) covered!

Q: Can I transfer tokens from/to the in-app wallet?

A: This feature is in our backlog and is planned for implementation in 2019 Q2.

Q: Will there be any cheaper items in Lympo Shop?

A: We hear you! And we will add some Lympo merchandise as well as cheaper items from our partners down the road. However, our goal is to encourage you to stay active continuously, so don’t expect to be able to purchase stuff after completing only a few challenges :)

Q: When will Lympo Run become available in my country?

A: Currently, we are focusing on launching Lympo Run in the U.S. We have made one challenge available worldwide for our ever so loyal community, to give a taste of things to come and a better understanding of how the app works. However, rollout to more countries can be expected in 2019.

Q: Why EUR/USD amount in my wallet fluctuates?

A: LYM is a cryptocurrency token which is traded on several exchanges. We are using a third-party solution to display the real-time value of the LYM token in our app. As trading is a 24/7 process, the EUR/USD amount displayed in the in-app wallet and the price of various shop items changes dynamically, in relation to the current price of LYM.

Q: I got a “Data unreliable” message after my activity was synced. What do I do?

A: No worries! Users usually see this message when the app records a suspicious activity (e.g., speed anomalities). In such case, please contact support and we will do our best to help you out. After all, sometimes it might be a mistake on our end.



Lympo Business Blog

Lympo is building a sports NFTs ecosystem including NFTs with IP rights of world-famous athletes and clubs