Top 10 Q&A questions answered by Ada Jonuse, CEO of Lympo

Lympo Business Blog
4 min readMar 27, 2018

Hi! If you didn’t have the time to participate in the recent Q&A on Telegram, we have picked out the 10 most interesting questions and answers from CEO Ada Jonuse for you. Note: some of the language was changed for clarity. Enjoy!

1. Q: Are there any big partnerships coming?

A: Yes, there are. We plan to announce them in April!

Recently, I talked with Pundi X CEO Zach and we are waiting for Pundi X to start rolling out their product and to integrate LYM tokens. Also, we are working on plans to partner up with Fitbit, Runkeeper and a few more! Stay tuned for more great news this year.

2. Q: Hi @adajonu I really really think you guys are doing great work. Is there any chance you guys would take it to other countries?

A: We aim to expand to the US and Australia, these are the key markets. As we are in Europe now, we hope that the LYM tokens will be first used here and actually we aim to start rewarding people for being healthy as early as next month, even before the schedule on our roadmap!

3. Q: Hey Ada, heard that you have experience working in the EP, what was that all about and how does it help you to run this thing?

A: Hey! Yes. I worked in the European Parliament in Brussels for 4 years. Some of this time I was working on various digital policies and legislations like the General Data Protection Regulation, cyber security laws, platform regulations and others. That is very helpful running a tech business in Europe. In addition, I was leading a team as big as 24 people at one period where I learned a lot as well. Part of my job was to organize the biggest ICT and entrepreneurship event in the Baltics SWITCH. That was an awesome experience. We have even reached the Guinness world record in the biggest programming lesson in the world!

4. Q: Hi Ada. One small suggestion. How about giving access to users to buy tickets for sports events like for a football match, Olympic tickets in the future along with products in our Lympo marketplace?

A: Sounds like an awesome idea. We will work on getting these players on board!

5. Q: So of all the clothing brands out there what would be the perfect match?

A: We are, of course, interested in big brands, but we spend a lot of time analysis super innovative companies producing smart clothes with sensors: a perfect match for Lympo. We are looking in to the future winners.

6. Q: Where did the name “Lympo” come from?

A: When we thought about Lympo, we thought about the Mount Olympus, a place where the Olympic Games started in the ancient Greece! :) We want to be the best in what we do just as any athlete in the Olympic Games and to promote sports!

7. Q: If any of us visit Lithuania sometime soon, is it okay if we visit the headquarters and chat a bit? :)

A: Absolutely! You are always welcome in the Blockchain Centre Vilnius, and as soon as we establish an office in Berlin, there as well.

8. Q: You claim to create next Uber in fitness/health area. Could you tell more?

A: Sure. Lympo believes that everyone who wants to be healthy, can do that with the help of a good personal trainer! It can be through an offline or online session, most importantly, you’ll have a way to connect and earn LYM tokens on our platform. already operates as a platform to find the best personal trainer and we will expand to include the digital fitness wallet.

9. Q: Is crypto a bubble?

A: Haha, I can’t predict that. All I can say is that LYMPO is not a bubble, but a coin with a real use case, real benefits for our society and for individuals using our future product. We aim to make our coin resistant to any bubbles.

10. Q: What about online sport certifications / seminars where attendees are rewarded with LYM? People can learn and share knowledge with others thanks to Lympo!

A: There is a plan to reward people with LYM for reading some news and info on health and obviously the creators of this content as well.



Lympo Business Blog

Lympo is building a sports NFTs ecosystem including NFTs with IP rights of world-famous athletes and clubs