Lympo Supports Ukraine : We Will Stop Publishing Russian Athlete NFTs

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Due to the recent aggression by Russia towards Ukraine and the Ukrainian people Lympo will stop publishing NFTs of the Russian athletes. Lympo will also stop onboarding new Russian athletes and stop current negotiations for new partnerships with all Russian athletes planned to be part of the Lympo ecosystem.

We understand that Russian people, athletes and sports teams are not responsible for the actions of the Russian government. We admire the courage of the Russian citizens who actively oppose the war efforts and protest despite the threats made against their freedom, lives or loved ones. However, sports athletes are the face of their country representing and echoing its name and values.

At this challenging time, the world has to come together to speak loudly: the actions the Russian government has taken are wrong. There is absolutely no justification, rationalization or reason to wage war and kill innocent people.

The sports world is united with various sports events canceled, partnerships revoked and players leaving Russian sports clubs. Lympo is part of this bigger community and joins the global movement to do everything possible to stop this war.

At this difficult hour, we choose to support Ukraine and everyone who opposes the war efforts of the Russian government. Athletes have the power to inspire others, show bravery, courage and overcome even the most difficult of challenges. Sports should transcend all wars. We encourage Russian athletes to speak up and show that they do not want to represent senseless cruelty and war. Upon a peaceful resolution of this conflict, the Lympo team will take action to have an open dialogue with Russian athletes to re-join the ranks of Lympo.

These words and actions are not empty slogans for us. Some of the Lympo team members and most valued partners are Ukrainians. We are worried about their safety and well-being. We are constantly in touch with colleagues and partners in Ukraine and have offered them to help in all ways we can as a company and as fellow human beings.

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Lympo is building a sports NFTs ecosystem including NFTs with IP rights of world-famous athletes and clubs