Worksession Recap: 01/12

Shadaj Laddad
Lynbrook Robotics
Published in
2 min readFeb 14, 2018

8 days until Stop Build!

The end of build season is rapidly approaching! We’re working fast to get a completed robot completed so we can test running it before we have to pack up and ship it to our first competition.



Finalized tower design with mentor. Added a bracket to secure release bar to top of tower and change cable routing design. Found a new way to mount cable by making a double splice. The two ends of the cord meet and each enters the other. This should reduce stretch and will be easier than two separate splices around the ends. Began CAM at very end and didn’t make much progress with it. Machining should start next worksession.


We made some adjustments to the climber drums and gearbox today, hopefully making rope maintenance and climber assembly easier. Progress on the swing arm hook was pretty stagnant, but we did find the necessary stock material for building it.


Machining is going slower than intended. We are hoping to get almost everything machined by this coming Saturday. We are hoping to get a functional drivetrain to test on by Wednesday.


Bus Driving

Major delays due to build system and operating system incompatibilities fixed. Working on a fix for radius correction.

SBT-FRC (Kunal)

Today I refactored and modularized our SBT plugin for managing robot deploys. Before, our tooling assumed that we only ran on the JVM. Now that we have multi-platform support, we can no longer make that assumption. I am also making our plugin more extensible by removing many hardcoded values. Tomorrow, I hope to get the entire team on this new version so we can thoroughly test it before competition.

3 Cube Auto Routes (Philip)

After talking to Jonathan, we decided that in order to avoid collisions in qualification match autos, we would have to start from the side. We discussed picking p up cubes in without coming to a full stop. After talking to Atul, we decided that it would be too difficult to tune the collector. We measured out some basic routines, but Philip’s poor CAD skills meant most of his work got ruined.

Field Elements

Finished the fence for the switch. One more Field element to build!



Shadaj Laddad
Lynbrook Robotics

My latest posts are at! Exploring the boundaries of programming, usually with #scala. EE/CS student at UC Berkeley.